Chapter 3-Kyle Langer

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There was a quiet knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Gabby" the voice says. Gabby is the only other girl that I come into contact with on a daily basis. She doesn't live in the house with us but she does have a house on the property. She's 20 years old, two years older than me. She is here to help with our training. Her specialty is weapons.
"Come in" I announce as I pull a shirt over my head.
"Wow, what happened?" She asks noticing the huge bruise on my leg. I glance down at it and head to my closet for a pair of workout pants.
"I really don't know, I didn't even notice it until now" I reply with a shrug. She laughs
"How did the mission go?"
"Horrible, the prisoner got out of his handcuffs, he had a knife, and Derek almost let him cut his throat. Then Kohl froze and didn't act, then he passed out. The doctor doesn't know what was injected in him and he doesn't recall being stuck with anything. He almost died Gab." I tell her.
"Wow that is bad, it sounds like you guys need more training before you go out again. Kohl's okay right?"
"Yeah, he's fine. We will have to train our asses off. I'm debating calling in Tim, I think we need him." I tell her.
"You want me to call him?" She asks. I nod.
"Okay, I will. See ya later." She says. Tim is our coach, he originally started training us but someone else was called in because he was too hard on us. But he is exactly what we need right now.

I push the door of the interrogation room open to find our prisoner slumped on the floor looking like death. I walk over to him and haul him up and into the chair.
"You look like hell" I tell him.
"You stabbed me with a knife what do you expect?" I nod agreeing with him. I step in front of him and rip the fabric away from his wound. It's oozing some nasty liquid.
"Yeah that's nasty, I'll be right back" I say and walk out.

I come back with the bandages and iodine that Derek had given me. He also gave me some shot called Cefzil. Apparently it's an antibiotic. I push the door open and find him right where I left him. I don't say anything to him I just walk up and pour disinfectant in it. He cries out in pain. I pull the syringe and needle out of my pocket and inject it's contents into his forearm.
"What was that for?" He yells.
"Would you rather me let you die of infection? No I didn't think so. Now sit back and shut up" I snap at him. He complies. I bandage his shoulder then lean back and sit on the table.
"So what's your name?" I ask him, I was beginning to get tired of calling him our prisoner.
"You don't know my name? You kidnapped me and don't even know my name?" He stammers.
"No, it was my job to get you, not know about your personal life. So what is it? If you lie, I'll have one of my guys look it up" I tell him.
"Kyle. Kyle Langer" he replies.
"Okay, Kyle Langer, I'm​ AnnaBelle. Do you have any idea why you're here?" I ask, I'm​ curious. I was not told details about him just that they needed him. I was also told not to kill him, that was important.
"No.. Maybe. I don't know!" He rambles.
"You sure about that?" I ask trying to get in his head.
"No" he replies.
"What illegal activities do you do in your spare time?" I ask him. "And how did you get out of my handcuffs? I'm very offended that you managed it, they are supposed to be impossible to get out of" I tell him.
"I don't know" he shrugs "I stopped struggling and they loosened and I was able to unlock them with the knife I had." I realized then that he is very intelligent and whoever wants him probably wants him for that very reason.
"Would you of killed Derek?" I ask him. He shakes his head.
"No I could never hurt somebody, I always carry a knife since I got jumped a couple months ago" he tells me. He wasn't a bad guy I realized.
"You've never been to prison" I say "so I'm guessing they want you to do something with something electrical, you seem very smart" I tell him, and knew I was right when his face lite up.
" I am good with computers! Wait you don't know why you took me?" He says looking astonished. I laugh and shake my head.
"No, I just do what I'm told, they will be here for you soon."
"Who?" He asks.
"I'm not sure, I know it is a secret branch of government" I tell him, sliding off the table.
"The next people you see will be here to take you away, good luck. Oh and I'm sorry for stabbing you" I tell him with my hand on the handle, I turn the knob and step out to leave and he shouts after me.
"Wait, have I been able to get out of this room the whole time? The doors been unlocked?" He asks.
"No" I reply "the knob reads the persons prints and opens only if the persons prints are in the system."
"Oh, that's sweet" he says as I shut the door behind me. I head towards the tech lab in search of Jeremy, I want him to look up Kyle for me. I walk in and find Jeremy at one of the laptops downloading something onto it. He shuts it as I walk in.
"Hey Jer, will you do me a favor?" I ask.
"Using my nickname, this must be big" he says with a smile.
"Not really" I laugh "will you look up Kyle Langer for me, he's our prisoner. He seems like a normal guy, I don't know why they would jerk him out of his life" I tell him. He opens a different laptop than the one he was just on. His fingers move quickly across the keys typing Kyle's name into the database. He pulls up his info and shows me. He's only 22 and has a simple life with a job as a computer engineer. He graduated at the top off his class, he appears to know all there is to know about computers.
"You may have some competition" I tell Jeremy.
"I would love to talk to this guy, damn he's smart" he says giving me a pleading look.
"No, I can't and you know that" I say.
"I know, it was worth a try" he says.
"Alright thanks, oh I'm having Tim come back to train us to work like a team and that includes you. You may be our smart guy but you will be able to protect your self and kick ass" I smirk at him.
"Smart guy, is that my official title?" He says and laughs.
"It is now" I say as I walk out.


I decide to go check on Kohl, I knock on his door and there's​ no answer. I push the door open and see him lying in bed fast asleep. I walk over to the side of the bed, check his pulse and his fever. I push his hair out of his face. He really is very handsome. He has long silky blonde hair and grey blue eyes. He has a very sharp jawline, on missions together I see many girls do double takes to look at him. He doesn't even notice them, he doesn't even seem to know he's​ attractive. His eyelashes cast shadows on his cheek bones. He's 19 years old, a year older than me. He stirs in his sleep.
"Kohl?" I say quietly. He slowly opens his eyes and gives me a lazy smile.
"How are you?" I ask.
"Never felt better" he tells me.
"Liar" I say "I've decided to call in Tim to help us train as a team, I would of asked your opinion.. But you were a bit out of things" I explain.
"It's fine, we need it. We suck at team work, if it was just us two we would be fine but it's not soo.."
"Yeah, so I talked to our captive. His name is Kyle Langer, he seems like a good guy that they want to do some work for them. I had Jeremy look him up he has never been arrested and is a computer engineer. Jer wanted to talk to him, have a nerd to nerd chat" I tell him.
"Hmmm, why are you so interested in him?" He asks me.
"Because he seemed innocent, so I wanted to know why they wanted him"
"Are you satisfied now?" He asks.
"I'm never satisfied" I say and smirk at him.
"Hey! Do you want to come down stairs and talk to Tim with me? He should be here soon, I had Gabby call him this morning" I say.
"Yeah sure, your going to have to help me though" he says and I can tell he hates to admit that.
"Here at your service" I say with a salute. He just shakes his head and chuckles at me.

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