Chapter 10- Fiance

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I was sitting in my office going over paperwork and future missions when the alarm went off. The alarm that signals someone is trying to break in. I bolt out of the office and towards the electrical room where all the cameras and security cameras are. It's two doors to the left of my office. I throw open the door and spot JJ and Derek looking at the screens.
"What's going on?" I ask and walk over to Derek.
"See for you self" he replies, he doesn't look alarmed so maybe it's a mailman that forgot we don't get mail. I look down at the screen and I see Cameron pounding on the front gate and trying to type the code into the key pad.
"What the hell is he doing here?" I exclaim as Khol and Jeremy walk in.
I take off running and push them aside and head for the garage to get a motorcycle. The front gate is 5 miles away from the house and I was not up for running that. I slam my foot down on the starter and it roars to life. I race down the driveway, gravel flying. I slid to a stop just behind the front gate. I jump off the bike and open the gate. Cameron starts to step through.
"No you are not coming in" I say and walk out and pull the gate firmly shut behind me.
"How did you find this place?" I ask.
"You mentioned some details about where it was and what it looked liked so I drove around till I found it"
He explains.
"It's in the middle of no where! I would never tell anybody where this place is! Not even you! Don't lie to me! How did you find it?" I'm yelling now, he has no idea the kind of danger he just put us in.
"I followed you back here once after you came to see me" he says and hangs his head.
"You did what? Why would you do that? You put all of us in danger coming here, even following me! Someone could of followed you! Someone could of followed you today!"
"I had to see you, you weren't answering my calls. I had to talk to you, convince you that you made the wrong decision" he said.
"I broke up with you, why would I continue to answer your phone calls? You weren't even supposed to call that number! And I can clearly see that I made the right decision! Dating me is unhealthy for you! I risk my life every time I set foot outside of those gates! I can't do that to you, and I can't live like that! We were only seeing each other every couple of months" I exclaim, throwing my hands up. He looks shocked at what I said. I've never yelled at him before. I take the necklace off that holds the ring he gave me and hold it out to him.
"No, this can't be happening. I won't let this happen" he says shaking his head, he refuses to take the ring.
"You don't have a choice Cam, this is my decision you need to respect it" I tell him and step towards him.
"Take it" I say and he reaches out his hand for it. He steps towards me and I step back. His face falls.
"I love you" he's says and turns around. I grab his arm, he turns to look at me, hopeful. I shake my head still holding his arm tightly.
"Wait, Jer he can't remember this" I say and look up at the camera. I know they turned on the mic so they could hear.
"What do you you mean, I can't remember this?" He asks trying to pull his arm out of my grasp. My hand tightens. I reach up and touch his cheek. I tear slides​ down it, I brush it away.
"I'm sorry" I say and drop my hand from his cheek.
"I already sent Khol down" I hear Jeremy say from the speaker. I turn around to see Kohl pulling up to the gate in the Gater we have. He opens the gate and steps through holding what we call the men in black. Genius I know. It's a small silver device just like in the men in black movies. The device hypnotizes the person and makes them believe whatever you tell them.

He steps up to Cameron and turns it on. Cameron looks confused.
"What's going on?" He asks glancing over at me and back to Khol. Neither of us answer him, Khol just faces the device towards him and looks him directly in the eyes.
"You will forget where this place is. You were driving and got lost. AnnaBelle came and saw you earlier today and gave back the ring. You two are done, it's sad but you understand" Khol tells Cameron. Cameron turns around and heads to his car and leaves. Just like that, he's gone. Forever. The boy I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with just walked out. A tear slids down my cheek. More follow.

Khol turns around and faces me.
"You were engaged to him?"
He asks. I nod.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks me looking hurt.
"It didn't matter I wouldn't have ever been able to marry him" I say and more tear rolls down my cheeks. Khol pulls me into his arms and pulls me into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry" he says and kisses my forehead, my stomach fills with butterflies. I scold myself. You just broke up with the love of your life, stop it. It still felt nice to be held by Khol. I pull back before my mind wonders elsewhere.
"Let's go back to the house" I say, Khol nods in agreement. I climb on the motorcycle and he climbs in the Gater we ride back to the house side by side, while I dry my tears.

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