Chapter 23-Mission impossible

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The idea of the mission is easy, get in, save the captive, get out. The difficult thing about the mission is that it's in a compound ran by the Laveath. The very people I faked my death to hide from and save my family.
We've trained liked crazy, it's been hard since Derek died. We are used to having another man so we've had to make adjustments. Jeremy has had to step up to the plate and bust ass. He's actually a bad ass now.
We are all anxious about this mission. I have to wear a mask again. We aren't sure if they know that I'm still alive or not. I'm pacing in my room waiting for 4:00, that's when we leave. There's a knock on my door.
"Come in" I yell. Khol opens the door and steps in.
"Um, I'm sorry about the other day I shouldn't of kissed you. I just couldn't help myself" he says and looks at the ground.
"It won't happen again" I say and look down.
"Unless you ask me?" He asks. His cheeks flush red.
"Only if I ask you" I smile "but don't get to excited cuz it's not gonna happen."
"Good enough for me" he says and smirks but I can see that he's hurt.


It's 4:00, JJ is already in the van. He has been for the past hour making sure every thing is perfect. We've got a full tank of gas, oil, air in the tires, he probably filled up the window wiper fluid honestly. Jeremy has his tech set up in the backseat, he will be left alone in the van. Our eyes in the sky. Khol has a bag thrown over his shoulder, it's most likely full of weapons. He sets it down on the back seat, rummages through and pulls out my full face mask. I sigh.
"Nooo" I whine and pout.
"Yes" he says as he walks over to me and gently places it on my face. Our eyes meet, his fingers brush my face. Suddenly I'm glad the mask is there. My face is on fire. I step back.
"Thanks" I saw awkwardly and look away.
"I'll be back I gotta grab my knives" I say and head for my office. I have my sheaths strapped to my back for my half swords. I grab my swords and put them in their sheaths. I put a sheathed knife in each boot and small knifes concealed in the cuffs under my long sleeves. I also have a knife concealed in the sole of my right boot just in case. On my belt I have my two pistols, one on each hips. I'm armed to the T. All I need is my bow.
I hear foot steps approaching from behind. I turn around to see JJ holding my bow and arrows. He hands them to me.
"Is your head in the right place?" He asks.
"Why do you ask?" I say and silently thank Gabby for this stupid mask.
"You know why, I just want you to be focused" he says and steps close to me. "You're our leader you can't be distracted."
"You're right I am your leader and I don't appreciate what you are implying, I can separate my emotions from my work! Now get your ass out there!" I say angrily.
"There she is" he smirks "come on princess, lets kick some ass."
"You're an ass" I say and roll my eyes.

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