Chapter 15- New Students

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I've been ​in my room all morning trying to convince myself that everything is going to be okay. My mind wanders in every which direction. From missions, to Khol, to Derek, to my past.

*Last year*

I walked into school that day through the student parking lot doors with my brother. He headed off towards his friends down the hall. I headed straight to my locker where Cameron was waiting for me. I smiled up at him and gave him a kiss.
"Good morning" he said giving me another kiss.
"Morning!" I said as I spotted​ Hillary flirting with a cute boy I had never seen before. I headed over to her, Cameron in tow.
"Anna!" She said throwing her arms around my neck. She whispered in my ear.
"Oh my God he's so hot!" I laughed​ and hugged her back.
"I'm JJ" he said extending his hand to me. I took it.
"AnnaBelle, are you new here?" I asked him.
"Yeah me and my brothers just moved here​ from California" he explained.
"I don't know why you'd want to come to a small town like this after Cali" I said.
"It's not that bad" he told me. I rolled​ my eyes.
"Just wait" I told him "this is Cameron, he's my boyfriend" they shook hands. Two boys walked up behind him. One blonde​ with piercing blue, grey eyes. And the other had dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.
"These are my brothers. This is Khol" he said pointing to the blonde "and this is Derek" pointing to the one with brown hair.
"Nice to meet you" I told them.
"This is AnnaBelle, Cameron, and Hillary" JJ informed them pointing to each of us. All of their eyes lingered on me. Lily walked up to us. Her eyes went wide. Cute boys had this affect on her.
"Lily, this is JJ, Khol, and Derek" Hillary told her.
"Hi" she said blushing.
"You're all seniors right?" Hillary asked. JJ nodded his head in agreement.
"Why'd you guys come so late in the school year? We graduate in a month" she said.
"We didn't have a choice, our mom got a new job. So we packed and left" he said.
"I'm sorry" Hillary said batting her eye lashes at him.

The bell rang.
"Nice meeting you guys, have a good first day" I told them as me, Hillary, Cameron and Lily all headed to our separate homerooms.
"I don't like them" Cameron said and rolled his eyes.
"Jealous much" Hillary said elbowing him in the ribs. He rubbed his ribs.
"No" he said pouting.
"They're attractive he feels threatened" Lily said and giggled.
"I do not!" He exclaimed. I laughed and patted his arm.
"You have nothing to worry about" I said and took his hand.
We parted​ ways. Me and Cameron walked into homeroom and there they all sat in the back of the class. All the girls in homeroom drooling over them. But there gazes were all fixed on me.

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