Garnet leaned against the wall and looked around at the other people in the cell with her. "Garnet?" Garnet looked at the police officer and stood up. "Yes?" "You're free to go, your mom paid your bail off." Sapphire looked at Garnet with her arms crossed and watched her daughter walk over to her. "I'm sorry." "Its ok Garnet." "Really?" "Yea, your friend Lapis convinced me to take your bail." "What about Opal?" "Opal is awake and aware." "Does she feel better?" "She's fine, the drugs wore off and she wanted something to drink." "Shes also disappointed in herself for hurting you." Garnet and Sapphire walked out and got in the car. "I'm gonna have to hear Topaz's fat ass mouth aren't I?" "Garnet." "Sorry, but I'm sick of her and you know it." "Yes I know but Garnet you have to deal with it." "After what she has done to me and Opal I can't." "You're your mother's daughter alright." Sapphire said starting the car. "I miss her you know?" Garnet said sitting back. "I do too baby." Sapphire pulled Garnet closer and gave her a hug. "I love you Garnet." "I love you too mom.." Sapphire started the car and pulled off into the streets. "Where's Lapis, Opal, And Pearl now?" "Home waiting on you to get back." "Why didn't you take them home?" "Opal wanted to but then Lapis yelled at her to be a better girlfriend and then the two went at it then they sat down and ignored each other for what seemed like eternity." "She was going to just leave?" "It seems Lapis cared more about you then Opal did the whole time you were in jail." "Thats ridiculous." "Its ok sweetheart maybe it was the drugs talking." "I guess..." Garnet said getting ready to get out of the car. "You could've told me about the party." "I could've but then you would've told Topaz and she would've ruined it for everyone." "You know this time you're actually right." Sapphire said laughing as she stopped the car. "Does Topaz make you happy?" "She does actually, very happy." "Well can you do me one favor?" "Yes?" "Set Topaz straight, I know she makes you happy and stuff but you need to stop being so lenient with her and actually give her ground rules." "I'll make sure to do that as soon as I get inside, now go on your friends are waiting on you to see if you're ok." Garnet smiled at Sapphire and walked inside getting tackled by Lapis. "Garnet!" "Hey Lapis, where's Opal?" Lapis got up slowly disappointed then pointed at the living room. "She's fine." Lapis said walking back in the living room. "Garnet!?" "Yep, I'm back." Opal hugged Garnet and laughed. "I was so worried about you!" Pearl stood up and walked over to Garnet. "I knew you would be ok." "Of course I would!" Lapis tapped Garnet and held her arm. "What's up?" "I need someone to take me home." "I got you." Garnet kissed Opal on the head and walked out with Lapis, the two Looked over at Sapphire and Topaz as they slightly argued back and forth. "She's gonna be ok right?" "Of course she's faced much worse." Garnet opened the door for Lapis and got in. "Garnet can I tell you something?" "Go ahead." Garnet back up and drove off from the house. "Opal didn't even mention your name.." "What do you mean?" "She wasn't worried about you at all. I said something to her about it and she just shrugged her shoulders." "Could've been the drugs." "Garnet I'm saying this as a friend right now, Opal is not good for you she's with you so she can fill the void that Morganite left." "Come on Lapis." "Garnet I'm being serious!" "Lapis cut it out." "Garnet I mean it! Stop being so blind to it!" "Maybe your just jealous!" Garnet said loudly making Lapis get quiet and sit back in her seat. "Lapis I'm sorry.." "Its fine." Lapis said looking out of the window quietly. "I guess they were right about ignorance being bliss." Garnet stared at Lapis not paying attention to the road. "Lapis I'm serious." "Garnet..." Lapis looked at the road when she saw something standing there and yelled loudly. "GARNET WATCH OUT!!" Garnet looked at the dark road and turned her wheel sharply flipping the car over, the car flipped in the air then flipped a little on the ground landing upside down. As Garnet slowly lost consciousness she felt the flashbacks of what happened to her mother, is it going to happen to her now, did Karma finally come back around to get her? Was this her bitter end? She knew Lapis was right but...she wanted that hole filled too...
Sapphire watched as Topaz nodded her head in understanding. "I'll take it easy on Garnet from now on ok? I'm sorry I didnt realize that it was affecting you so badly." "its ok as long as you understand." Topaz hugged Sapphire tightly and smiled. "I love you." "I love you too." The two walked back inside and saw Opal and Pearl frantically calling someone. "What's going on you two?" "Its been three hours and Garnet isn't back!" Opal said calling again. "What?" Topaz rubbed Sapphires back before she ran upstairs. "I'll try calling her too." Sapphire sat next to Pearl and watched as she tried calling Lapis. "Pick up come on..." Pearl let out an aggravated sigh. "Neither are picking up." "Does Anyone know where Lapis lives?" Topaz said running downstairs. "N-no." Opal said still calling. "No." Sapphire and Pearl said in unison. "Someone needs to find out now!" Topaz said sternly and worried. They all went back to calling until Opals phone rang. "Hello!?" She said frantically. "Opal? What's up?" "Amethyst!" "Yea?" "Do you know where Lapis Lazuli lives?" "Yea, where are you Garnets house?" "Yes." "She quite a bit a way then, she lives on the other side of town you know the kind of rich and dark part." "You know her address?" "No, she never told me that." "Thank you Amethyst." "Anytime." Opal hung up the phone and looked at everyone else. "She said she's on the other side of town the rich and dark part.." "that's two hours away." Topaz said standing up. "I'm going to drive and see if anything is wrong down the road." "we're all going. I just hope my Garnet is ok." Sapphire said getting her jacket and quickly putting it on.

Diamond High
FanfictionThe Crystal Gems are going to Highschool! But its not as fun as they think it is since well they're seniors ready to leave. (Story mainly follows Garnet as she is a new transfer to the Highschool.) *Cover art not by me*