Garnet sat up talking to Topaz and her mother until the doctor came in making everyone get quiet. "So, Garnet." "Yes?" "It seems as if you only have a broken rib I'm kind of amazed by your healing process at first you had a head injury, a couple broken bones, and a torn ligament." "All that?" Topaz said surprised. "Amazing right? Its very rare for that to happen looks like you got lucky sweetie." "Please don't call me that." Garnet said quietly. "I'm sorry, no harm done? I'm only here to help you not hurt you." "No harm done." She said watching him leave the room. "He seemed a bit young now didn't he?" Sapphire said breaking the silence that fell among everyone. "Yea, I guess he did huh." Garnet chuckled a bit and turned over tiredly. "You ok?" Topaz said helping Garnet with her cover. "Yea..." "Hey Sapphire can me and Garnet talk...alone?" "Yea sure, I need to talk to Opal anyway." "Thanks." Sapphire kissed Garnet on the forehead and walked out leaving the two alone. "Now what? You plan on killing me?" "No actually I plan on saying I'm sorry for how I was when I first got there." "And what made you change?" "Sapphire did actually...she talked to me and made me realize how foolish I was acting towards you." Garnet looked at Topaz and sat up confused. "Oh and I'm glad you're more worried about Lapis than yourself it might have made Opal mad didn't happen to her." "Is Opal upset with me?" "Opal left." Sapphire said leaning in the doorway. "what do you mean?" "She left..and that was it." "She say why?" "No, Morganite came and picked her up." "Morganite?" Garnet said sitting up angrily. "Lay down.." Sapphire said standing straight up. "Why would-!" Garnet grabbed her side and started coughing and hacking. "I said lay down Garnet!" Sapphire said yelling loudly. Topaz helped Garnet lay down and sighed as she kept coughing. "Get the doctor." Sapphire looked down the hall and went to get the doctor. "Hey! I need your help my daughter Garnet is coughing very badly. "Right.." He looked away from Sapphire and continued the conversation he was having with a nurse. "Did you not hear me?" Sapphire said tapping him. "I have important things to attend to right now ma'am." he said trying to shoo her away quietly, obviously this was an older doctor one that made it seem like his job just wasn't important anymore. Sapphire scoffed and tapped him again. "My daughter is more important than you getting something tonight." "Coughing is normal now please, just go." Sapphire put her Long white hair in a ponytail and fixed her blue tank top. "Excuse me sir." She said grabbing his over coat. "Ma'am please-" Sapphire yanked the doctors white coat making him crash to the ground and grabbed his shirt pulling him closer. "You're a doctor so that means whenever someone needs help you go help!" "Ma'am let go." Sapphire looked at the police officers and other nurses then stood up. "I'm only attacking him because he thinks my daughters life is less important than trying to talk to a girl that'll be there after Work!" "I'm so sorry ma'am." Another doctor said holding her hands. "I'll take care of your Daughter for you and handle him as well." Sapphire pulled her hand back a bit and smiled at him. "And you must be the head doctor." "That I am! I am doctor Roe, pleasure to meet you." "Sapphire!" Topaz said loudly. "Let's get going." Dr. Roe said following Sapphire. "She's getting worse, she started coughing up blood." Topaz said holding a bucket for Garnet. "Ok you won't like this two have to go, I need to get her prepped for an emergency surgery." "Ok come on Topaz.." Sapphire said pulling her out the room a bit. "But Sapphire" "I know..." Lapis looked around her room and stood up when she heard slight yelling and rushing in the hallway. "what's going on Pearl?" Lapis said sitting up a bit. Pearl looked out of the door and saw people rushing in and out of Garnets room. "Ms. Sapphire?" Pearl said getting both of their attention. "Is Lapis ok?" "Yes ma'am I want to know if Garnet Is ok...I see people rushing in and out and its worrying." "Garnets fine." Topaz said looking away from Pearl. "what's going on?" lapis said leaning forward. "they're checking up on Garnet." Pearl said sitting back down. "Is she getting better?" "Better than ever." Topaz said leaning on the wall. "That's good, I can't wait until she gets to sit with me." "Yea me either..." Lapis watched as Topaz had nervousness in her movements and leaned back trying not to cry. "Something's wrong isn't there?" "She was coughing up blood for a while..I don't know what's exactly wrong happened so fast and I can't stand that i cant do anything." "All we can do is wait.." Sapphire said calmly. "How are you so calm Sapphire?" Everyone looked at Opal and Morganite as they entered the room and fell a bit silent. "where is Garnet?" Morganite said taking Opals jacket off. "What the hell do you think you're doing here? Aren't you her ex?" "Well yes but she told me that Garnet was in an accident I came to see her." "You know she doesn't like you around her Opal, seriously?" Pearl said very irritated. "She was worried." "Seems like more to me than her being worried about Garnet." Topaz balled her fist up at Morganite and looked at Opal full of anger. "If you're going to be Garnets girlfriend then act like one! Bringing Morganite, your damn ex around won't help a thing!" "She wanted to come and see her she was worried about her!" "She wasn't to worried if you left with her and took hours to get back Opal!" Topaz watched as she pulled out a plastic bottle and grabbed it. "What's this?" She opened it looking at the pills inside then crushed it in her hand. "You need to leave now..." Opal stood up and looked Topaz up and down. "says the one that was just going with someone for fun!" "Leave it Morganite." "Thats ridiculous how you treat other people for fun-!" Topaz strongly hit Morganite in the face making her head hit the door. Sapphire held Topaz back and watched as Morganite regained herself. "I said get out." Morganite opened the door holding her face and left out of the room mumbling under her breath. "Opal if you go after her..." Pearl stared at Opal with hope in her eyes that she wouldn't go and watched as she left out of the room with an 'I'm sorry' expression on her face. "You can't save everyone." Sapphire said sighing quietly.

Diamond High
FanfictionThe Crystal Gems are going to Highschool! But its not as fun as they think it is since well they're seniors ready to leave. (Story mainly follows Garnet as she is a new transfer to the Highschool.) *Cover art not by me*