"Do you ever sit and think to yourself. 'I'm in love with my best friend.' No...thats stupid." Opal said throwing her pillow. "What are you going on about Opal?" Pearl said looking down at the pillows she threw. "Nothing just a crush is all." "Oh? On who?" "Nun of your business." Opal said jokingly. "Well I have a crush if that makes you feel better." "And who will that be?" "Don't tell her but...its Garnet." "What?" "Yes!" "Why Garnet?" "Because she's so amazing!" Opal looked at Pearl kind of sad and went to say something to Pearl until she heard the doorbell. "Coming!" Pearl said in a singing voice. Opal got up and picked her pillows up mocking Pearl when she left. "Hey Opal come down here its Amethyst!" Opal slightly ran down the stairs and looked at Amethyst. "Amethyst! Where have you been!?" "On vacation we're officially leaving today." "Where are you going?" "I dunno but it looked kind of interesting." "If you party there...party for me." "I got you!" Amethyst said backing out of the door. "I'll have to catch up on everything and you guys later! I have to get going!!" "Be safe!" Opal and Pearl said in unison. Pearl shut the door and looked at Opal with a smile. "now, who's your crush?" "Uh...no one important." "Aw cone on Opal! Does she go to my school?" "Yea." "Is she pretty?" "Beautiful to be exact." "Come on tell me her name." "No." "you're no fun. I told you mine." "Yea, you sure did." "How can you not love Garnet? She's strong and cute oh and funny!" "Yep.." Opal said getting annoyed again. "I wonder if-!" Opals phone rang loudly cutting Pearl off. She looked at the screen and saw 'My Future'. She quickly answered it and cleared her throat. "hello?" "And what're you two lovely ladies doing?" "Oh h-hey Garnet! We aren't doing anything, why?" "Just wanted to know if you wanted to go out to eat with me." "Just me and you?" "No silly, Pearl is coming along with us." "oh Yea...sorry." Opal said nervously laughing. "You don't have to be sorry get dressed I'll be in the car waiting." Opal looked at her phone one more time then back at Pearl. "Who was that?" "It was Garnet she said we need to get dressed she's outside waiting." "Where are we going?" "Out to eat." "Oohh fancy." Pearl said heading upstairs. Opal opened the front door and signaled Garnet to come inside. "Don't waste your gas!" Garnet turned her car off and walked inside of the large house. "Don't tell me you two take forever to get ready." Opal looked at her leather jacket with a red shirt and yellow star on it and smiled a bit. "I like your outfit." Garnet looked at her light blue skinny jeans and red vans then smiled. "This is nothing." She said watching as Opal put her hair in a ponytail. "Sorry if you had us on a time schedule I have to shower." "no problem go right ahead." Garnet said heading over to the couches. "I won't take long i swear." Opal ran upstairs and quickly started her shower water. "Shower, clothes, then hair. Simple." Opal got in the shower singing a little tune to count down her time. She sung it again as she got out and started to dry off. "Where are my clothes?" She said looking around. "Pearl!" Pearl stopped talking to Garnet and got up yelling up the stairs. "Yes!?" "Where's my clothes!?" Pearl looked at the folded clothes next to Garnet and smirked. "Down here! Next to Garnet." "What!? Can you bring them to me?" "I will not." Pearl said sitting back down. "oh thats cruel." Garnet said chuckling. Pearl heard Opal step out the shower and stomp into the hallway. "Five..four..three..two..." "Pearl!" Opal said standing behind her. "One..!" "you did this on purpose??" "Now why would I do that?" Opal looked at Garnet and blushed heavily getting her clothes and running back upstairs. "Jeez.." she said putting on a cream cookie cat sweater and black skinny jeans with black boots. "Hair!" She said brushing out her long wet hair. She grabbed all of it and put it in a long ponytail. "Thats better!" She said heading downstairs. "Finally ready?" Pearl said sticking her tounge out at Opal. "Maybe if someone didn't take my clothes I would have been done way earlier." Opal said opening the door. "Its not like we can be late or anything." Garnet said chuckling at the two they all got in the car and kind of awkwardly sat there. "Why are you two being so weird? Stop acting like you don't know me and kick back." Garnet turned up the radio station and backed out of their driveway. "hey Garnet?" "What's up Opal?" "Where are we going? You went past your house and past all the main restaurants." "Yea I know." "you're headed to the forest?" "Yep." "Your not gonna kill us are you!?" "Of course not. I'm just taking you two out here for fun its my last day before my suspension is up, just wanna have some fun you know?" "Yea...I forgot about that." Garnet slowly stopped as they entered the forest and got out of the car. "Come on don't be scared its safe." She said watching as they got out looking at the food on the table in awe. "You made this?" "Yep! Made just for you actually, Pearl I remember you said you don't really eat so I made you a salad with some fruit on the side!" "Thank you Garnet." Pearl said dancing over to the table. "And Opal I made you your favorite burger, you know the one where you you like the egg and stuff on it." "Really!?" Opal ran over to the table and slowly took a bite of Garnets burger. "It took me a while to get it right so if its not good then I'm sorry." "Not good...this burger is...AMAZING!" Opal jumped up and sprung at Garnet making Garnet fall onto the ground. "Thank you so much Garnet." Garnet started to blush and nervously laughed. "Opal.." Opal looked at Garnets blushing face and quickly got up. "I'm sorry heh...I didn't mean to knock you down." Garnet watched as she slightly bit her lip and stood up. "Its ok Opal its not like its my fancy outfit." Garnet helped Opal up and walked back over to Pearl. "The sunset is so pretty when it starts turning orange letting the stars finally shine as bright as they can." Pearl said staring at the sunset. "Is it always this pretty up here?" "Sure is." Garnet said. "How do you know about this place Garnet?" Garnet looked at Opal and brightly smiled. "My mom used to bring me here all the time when I was little and tell me all about how life is and how the world will work..and then she told me that one day..she wasn't going to be here anymore and that I'm going to have to be on my own. Its like she knew what was going to happen." "Well...you have us and we aren't going anywhere anytime soon." Opal said pulling Garnet and Pearl closer watching the sunset go down slowly.

Diamond High
FanfictionThe Crystal Gems are going to Highschool! But its not as fun as they think it is since well they're seniors ready to leave. (Story mainly follows Garnet as she is a new transfer to the Highschool.) *Cover art not by me*