"Felling better today Lapis?" "Yes Dr. Roe thank you for helping me up out of the bed." "Anytime." The two slowly made their way to Garnets room quietly opening the door. "Hey Garnet..." "Yes?" Garnet said tiredly. "I got you something to....eat!!" Lapis and Dr. Roe bursted in the room with Sapphire and Topaz holding a cake in their hands. "A cake?" "Yep, its your favorite kind to." "Vanilla?" "Definitely vanilla." "With whipped icing!?" "With that whipped icing!" Lapis said cutting a piece for Garnet. "Thank you so much Lapis." "I just want you to feel better is all Garnet, after all you did make me a promise." "I was hoping you would forget that." Garnet said laughing lightly at Lapis's face. "Im serious this time Garnet..after that bad coughing fit I'm really worried about you." "I can see that..you're more worried than Opal." Dr. Roe took the cake from Topaz and set it on the desk next to Garnets bed. "It seems like my work here for right now is done, I would hate To intrude on any personal business." He nodded his head at the two and walked out of the door lightly shutting it. "So, about Opal...Garnet." Lapis said scratching her head. "I just wanted to tell you that...you two need to break up." "what for?" "Because she's not good for you sweetie." Sapphire said standing next to Lapis. "like I said before.. She's just using you to fill a void that cannot be filled." "She came up here with Morganite during your fit. And thought I was going to let that slide, its not right Garnet...she's just hurting you more and more." "She brought Morganite up here..?" "Yea she did and then thought it was ok to start taking pills! I swear that night I was going to kill the two dammit!" Sapphire held Topaz's shoulder trying to calm her down. "It was quite a night..." Lapis said chuckling. "If it makes you feel better Topaz socked Morganite in the face making her head hit the door." Lapis watched as a smirk creeped on Garnets face and smiled brightly. "Thats exactly what I'm looking for!!" Opal walked in and watched as Lapis and Garnet laughed at each other and kind of cleared her throat. "You're back." Lapis said disappointed. "Yep, and I want to speak to Garnet in private." "Go right ahead." Lapis said getting up and leaving the room slowly. Topaz and Sapphire walked out behind Lapis closing the door. "I don't like this Topaz." Sapphire said rubbing her arms. "Its ok sweetheart." "I feel as if.." Morganite walked up to them and stood next to the door. "What the hell are you back for?" Topaz said standing straight up. Morganite looked at Topaz then grunted as she looked away. "Answer me." "I can't have my own business?" "You can have your own business when you leave Garnet and Opal alone." "Listen to me, Opal doesn't have time to take care of someone that has a risk of dying she isn't going through that." "So what're you here to do? help Opal get through this?" "Yea actually I am." "Well you can't, this isn't your problem this is Opals problem and Opal has to deal with it her damn self. Its a shame how you two follow each other like lost puppy dogs. if you knew you were wanting to get back together why break up in the first place? I've never seen two people be so damn stupid before." Morganite got off of the wall and stood tall as Topaz walked up to her. "If you think you can win a fight against me you're pretty stupid." Topaz looked at the door as it opened and looked at Opals saddened face. "take me home Morganite.." She said walking past the two. "You ok?" Morganite said breaking eye contact with Topaz as she followed Opal. "Just take me home." Pearl walked over to her sister and held her hand tightly. "if they don't release her tomorrow I'll come back." "Thank you Pearl." Sapphire said calmly and quietly. "Opal I can't believe you right now.." lapis sat back in the Room and looked at Garnet with a smile. "You ok?" "Yea, I'm fine." "What did she say?" "Nothing I just ended it." "Ended it?" "Yea, I mean everyone was telling me that she was bad for me and I listened..I asked her what was going on between her and Morganite she told me and I ended it. If you're going with me you're going to respect me and my boundaries." "I can relate to that so much." Lapis said sitting down next to Garnet with a smile. "you must've been in a similar relationship." "I was actually! In it for two years until I finally couldn't take it." "two months." "It was that long?" "Yea, but maybe she was just trying to hide it and it finally came back to her or something." "I'm sorry Garnet." "What for? You didn't do a single thing." Garnet chuckled and sat up still looking at Lapis. "Sorry you had to deal with that." "Some people are just better friends you know?" "Trust me I know." The two sat there laughing at each other as they told their stories with each other. "Garnet its time to walk around." Sapphire said poking her head in. "I got it Ms. Sapphire." Lapis said helping Garnet out of the bed. "Are you sure? You have to remember that you're hurt too." "I'm fine." Lapis said holding Garnet up with all of her strength. "I would love to walk with you but right now I have to pee." "On it." Lapis said chuckling as she started to slowly move forward. "If I'm to heavy for you, you can say so you know that right?" "Yes I know but I can handle this." "Even if I just put all my weight on you?" Lapis felt Garnet get heavier and yelled out. "Wait no! Don't I'll go down and we'll both be on the floor!" Lapis said laughing loudly. "Ok ok I won't only because the floor is pretty cold." lapis opened the bathroom door for Garnet and watched as she slightly stumbled in. "Ok now let's see if I remember how to go to the bathroom." lapis giggled at Garnet and pushed the door. "That's gross Garnet." "You seem to still find it funny." Lapis chuckled even more and shook her head. "you're the funniest person I've ever known." Lapis looked at the door then put her head to It. "You ok?" "I might need...some help." "Thats all you had to do was ask." "I said SOME." Garnet said in a goofy voice when Lapis opened the door. "Quit being silly so I can help you."

Diamond High
FanfictionThe Crystal Gems are going to Highschool! But its not as fun as they think it is since well they're seniors ready to leave. (Story mainly follows Garnet as she is a new transfer to the Highschool.) *Cover art not by me*