Remember Our Love Chapter 2

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"Virginia I've decided that I need to go look for myself. The children are bigger now and my parents will watch them for me. I just have to go. I keep having dreams where I am searching for him and people keep saying 'he's over there' so I run and sometime I catch sight of him in a crowd but when I get there he has gone. I have a feeling that people might talk to me more than his father and brothers because I am a woman and they may let their guard down. I have to try, I feel like I'm losing him or I am close to losing him. He needs me I can feel it. I have to go to him. Nothing in this world would make me leave my children except this."

She looked at me and took a deep breath. "Well do you think your parents can handle one more because I am coming with you," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked shocked at the offer.

"Ella, you knew something was going to happen that day. You ran on the ship begging him to stay and when he left you were inconsolable for days, adamant that something was going to happen and here we are years later still looking. If you have a feeling like the one you had that day then we have to follow it because it could lead us to the truth and if we are very lucky we may find our husbands. We are not widows!"

"We are not widows!" I repeated. Someone had once referred to us as 'the widows' in the market place one time and I went crazy shouting 'We are not widows!' since then it had become our mantra and now no one dare even suggest such a thing, let alone call it us.

"When are we leaving?" she asked.

"In the morning, Frank is taking me and the children to my parents. Ted is meeting us there and taking me to last port they were seen in." I burst into tears. I hated saying that 'the last port they were seen in' as it always reminded me of being told they were missing, presumed dead or lost at sea.

Virginia hugged me and burst into tears herself. "We will find them Ella."

"I just have a feeling we need to hurry or we will be too late. Why do I feel like that? It scares me," I told her as I wiped the tears away with my hand.

"I don't know but it took him over a year of searching to find you and I know that if he hadn't found you, he would still be looking today so we won't give up. Now let's get some rest and see if you can see anything else in your dream. Just note everything down; we might recognise something you don't. Look for signs, names of places, names of people, smells, and the food served, anything you can see. It may just be imagination but if you dream of places you have never been to or heard about I think it is a sign. Your dreams open the subconscious and make us more susceptible to messages. If he needs you, you may feel it stronger so sleep and who or whatever is delivering the messages can guide us on our journey," Virginia said. She was very spiritual, as were the locals and they saw my precognition of something terrible happening as a sign and they were all for encouraging me to search for our men.

I got into bed and looked at his pillow as I moved them into his shape. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I remembered our last kiss, 'kiss me and I will kiss you back no matter where I am' he had said. I did that every night before I went to sleep.

"Tom please send me a sign?" I begged. "I love you." I told his faded image in my minds eye. It was never clear enough for my liking and the years had took it out of focus, he was always so much better in my dreams. I hated to wake and find myself alone but in a few hours I would start my search for my husband with nothing but my heart for a compass.

I was very restless and decided to get up and finishing packing the children's things. I went to watch them sleep in the nursery. Little Thomas always such a beautiful child and I watched him grow more like his father everyday in both looks and mannerisms. He wasn't very boisterous, he was a mummy's boy but I think he is just sensitive to my feelings and knows when I am upset. He always comes over and hops into my lap cuddling me close. On his last birthday he made a wish which he shared with everyone. "I wished for my daddy to come home and kiss my mummy so she won't cry anymore," he said bringing a tear to the eye of everyone present.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now