Remember Our Love Chapter 8

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I didn't go far because of the children so they found me easy enough. I was stood staring out to sea but in my minds eye all I could see was Tom's face. I was back to square one again... I had cried so hard I was hyperventilating and every time my chest shook trying to catch a breath it made me cried again.

"Ella," Michael called behind me.

"Come here baby," his father said the sound of his feet approaching. He turned me into his arms. "Just take some deep breaths, Michael is sorry," he said.

Michael moved closer and stroked my hair trying to help calm me down. "I'm so sorry Ella, I didn't mean it, I swear to you."

"What's going on?" I heard Tom's voice as I struggled to breath.

"Nothing she is ok," Michael said.

"No she's not, and why are you two so concerned. Who is she?" Tom asked.

"We'll talk later, let us calm her down and get her home first," Michael said.

"No you won't, you will avoid any conversation that includes her," Tom said.

"I won't I promise. I upset her so I just want to make sure she is ok," Michael explained.

"What did you do to upset her?" Tom asked.

Michael took a deep breath and shook his head, his eyes to the floor.

"See, no answer! And that's another thing, when you said she ran off upset, you both flew out of the bar after her and everyone in there looked at me, as though I should go after her, not you. I asked Frank and Ted why and they said they couldn't tell me but they suggested I follow you. Why would they say that Michael and why couldn't they tell me? Why isn't anyone answering my questions?"

Michael looked at his father and then me. What was he going to say?

"And look at you both, it's like you are protecting her, stroking her hair, calling her baby! What or who are you protecting her from?" Tom was getting really frustrated.

Michael's eyes flicked to Toms face.

"Me? You're protecting her from me?" Tom's face was shocked.

"No of course not, don't get upset," Michael replied.

"Who is she to me?" Tom growled.

"A friend," Michael whispered.

"Don't lie to me Michael, I don't believe she is just a friend. If she is just a 'friend,' how did she know I would bite her foot that time and why couldn't I resist kissing her? Why did she leave after and no one would tell me where she went so I could apologise?"

"She had just moved here and was settling in. She wasn't ready for visitors until now," Michael lied.

"Lies! I hear stories of others who have been here. Pirates talking of her beauty and how they helped build some of this place," Tom replied.

"Yes but you are not strong enough to work..."

"Why when I held her on the beach this morning did she feel and smell familiar and why did I feel at peace for the first time since our rescue when she placed her hand against my cheek," his eyes looking at my hand in his fathers. "Why do I want to beg her to let me stay here with her as it feels wrong to leave? I've missed her even though I only met her one time. Her face is there every time I close my eyes and I want her to be there when I open them. I don't want to haunt her every step if she is nothing but a friend to me," he said the strain clear in his voice and the word 'haunt' rang in my ears.

"I am sure Ella won't mind if you stay for a while," Michael replied.

"Does she mind that I know what she looks like naked?" Tom asked and everyone stared at him.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now