Remember Our Love Chapter 4

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It had been two months since we got back and Tom was still not awake. My father was keeping him alive with a special mixture they were forcing down his throat to give him sustenance, all I knew was it had honey, herbs and other things in it.

His mother was still missing. All the information we had was passed on to his father but they refused to give us anymore information as to where they were going.

I had to go and collect the children it was not fair to leave them any longer. Michael had already met his son again as Frank brought him back from my mothers. Little Michael or Mickey as he was now called was very confused about his fathers return and was not happy about sharing his mummy. His father was a stranger after all but Michael was so caught up with Tom still being unconscious that he didn't notice or pay any attention.

I travelled to collect the children and make some trades. The children had got big and missed me as much as I missed them. They ran, covering me in hugs and kisses like they had with their grandfather Robert when he came back from being at sea. Was this what it felt like to be at sea and return to see how big they had got. I felt like I had missed out on so much.

We travelled back home with his grandfather Robert and he let little Tommy, as he was known, steer the ship. Tommy would steer the ship and shout orders at the crew like a proper captain. Then smile up at his grandfather for approval. As adorable as it was I just wish it had been his father he was with and so did Robert.

I walked off the ship carrying Rosie as Virginia ran towards me. I panicked, please don't say he died!!

"He's awake!" she shouted.

"What?" I said and looked to his father.

We all ran to the make shift hospital. My father met us with Michael.

"Ella, there is something you should know," my father said.

"What? What is it? Is he ok? Can I see him?" I was desperate to see him.

"He is sleeping now but you should know. He has some memory loss which is quite common with this type of injury and being unconscious so long."

"Ok but can I see him?" I asked.

"I don't think that is a good idea," my father said.

I was gob smacked.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting angry now.

"He doesn't remember you Ella. He has lost a few years memory and he doesn't even remember Virginia. He is very confused and tired. Anything else we put on him could hinder his recovery and set him back. We can't tell him who you are or the children. The shock could kill him Ella," my father explained.

"He doesn't remember me? I can't see him?" I repeated, confused and upset. I started to cry. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"If you see him, you have to just see him as a nurse or a local not as his wife and he can't be told about the children either. Let his mind repair and hopefully bits will start to come back," he explained.

"I have been trying to find my husband for all these years and now you tell me he doesn't even remember me. What are the chances of him 'ever' remembering me?" I asked. I was numb!

My father didn't need to answer his face told me. They didn't know if he ever would.

"So far as I can tell he has lost about 7 years," Michael said.

I place a hand over my mouth as I started to cry and little Rosie who was still in my arms looked at me and started to cry too. I had to get out of here. I turned and walked out with Rosie as everyone followed.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now