Remember Our Love Chapter 5

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I had returned to the bar to help out whilst Virginia had her alone time with Michael.

Tom wasn't there he had gone to rest. I had to admit I was quite relieved. I was finding it hard and even though he was Tom, it didn't feel like he was 'My Captain Thomas - My Pirate Captain.' There was some spark missing between us that had made us what we were before. Now we were just strangers.

"Any news on how the children are?" I asked his father. "This has to be affecting them. I am missing them like crazy. I feel terrible putting on my parents like this."

"Don't you worry they are fine. Little Mickey is with them as they've gone to see one of your aunties with your mother, sister and my daughters. They were very excited as your mother is bringing your auntie some of the material she wanted for the new curtains. That is how we found out you had gone. We went to see how you were and drop off some gifts along with the material."

I gave him a weak smile, "I miss my babies, their cuddles, smiles and laughter."

"Come here you," he said and gave me a big bear hug. "This must be so hard for you."

I nodded "One minute I feel strong and think I can take it, then I see him or someone mentions him and all my strength is just replaced by this crushing feeling where I just can't breathe... its hard to explained. I'm actually scared to be around him now," I admitted.

"Ella your heart is just trying to protect itself the same way his mind is. If you ever need a cuddle or someone to speak to you just come to me ok."

"Or me," Frank said as he joined the hug.

I laughed as they hugged me and then started to dance about with me.

"May I cut in?" I heard as Ted arrived fresh from his ship. I danced about with him and his crew. They were so easy to be around and made me feel so much better.

For the next hour or so I totally forgot about all my problems and just danced around and around and around.

Michael and Virginia eventually came down to the bar. I could not help but envy them for the afternoon they had just shared.

I went to fetch some more drinks from the kitchen. Virginia came to help.

"He told me what you did. That was very dangerous and very brave of you. If you are going to do anything like that again. You tell me and I will sneak off with you," she said with a wink and grin.

"Thanks," I said and gave her hug. I had actually thought she was going to be mad at me.

"He also told me what you said when you were angry and when you were alone together. I am so sorry I haven't been there for you to talk to or cuddle up too," she said and I noticed she was nearly crying.

"Don't cry, you will start me off and I have a terrible time stopping. Seriously I could drown a sea captain with the tears I've shed lately," I said. "I nearly drowned your husband."

"Don't you mean 'our' husband?" she laughed.

"Yeah, did he tell you he is going to ask if we can share him sexually?" I laughed.

She nodded. "I said yeah," we fell about laughing. "Let's have some fun with that, test his limits, scare him a little." She was grinning ear to ear at the thought of tormenting her husband. I was game, if she was.

"Hey you two where is the ale?" Michael called from the bar.

"Shut up!" we shouted back together and fell about laughing again.

"Don't make me come in there," he shouted back jokingly.

"You're not that brave," Virginia called back.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now