Remember Our Love Chapter 24

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As Virginia lay unconscious they repeatedly beat her, I managed to crawl over and cover her body with mine, taking the blows. I felt my ankle being pulled away and I clung to her, our bodies being dragged together across the deck.

Virginia's left eye swollen shut from the repeated blows, her head bleeding, her nose and mouth cut and bloody. They would have to cut me from her before I let them lay another hand on her.

They yanked and yanked on me as I clung to her. I felt the blows on my back as they flogged me. I still held on. I closed my eyes picturing my children running and hiding, the fear on their faces. I would take a flogging for them and Virginia for eternity if I had too.

My head was yanked back by the hair and a fist smashed into my face repeatedly. As I began to loose consciousness I pulled out a knife from my corset and slashed repeatedly in the air. I felt it make contact with people, heard the yells as I managed to cut and stab them.

In the brief moment they backed off. I stood up and pulled out the pistol aiming it at Gaspar and pulled the trigger. He fell and with a huge blow to the back of my head I did too.

As I regained consciousness I soon wished I hadn't. I was tied to the main post with Virginia, both of us being flogged. We were tied to face each other. She could see the pain in my face with every lash, and vice versa.

I could barely see as my eyes must have been like Virginia's swollen and purple. Our clothes had been stripped, only the undergarments to act as a thin layer against the whip.

"How many is that?" I heard Gaspar say.

"120 Captain," a crew member answered.

"Turn them around and do the same again to the front!" he ordered.

"Aye, Aye captain."

I expected the blows to come one after the other but the ship received an almighty hit from a canon.

"Virginia," I tried to say through swollen, blood covered lips. "Virginia."

She tried to open her eyes but they were too bad. My tears stung my face as I tried to focus on her.

The ship was in commotion.

"Kill them!" Gaspar ordered.

As he slid into view, I noticed he was covered in blood and holding his stomach, I had shot him! Not good enough though as he was still breathing.

I waited for the final moment to come but instead as the ship was hit again. I was aware of fighting amongst the crew.

"Traitors!" was shouted and an almighty battle commenced.

I tried to open my eyes as the pain and loss of blood drained me. I heard the ship being boarded and more shots fired, swords clashing, the smell of gun powder, screaming and yelling. I knew I was surrounded by death.

I tried to open my eyes and look around. There was more than one ship, there were a few.

"Kill the women!" I heard yelled.

I was aware of bodies pressing their backs to us. We were surrounded in a protective circle. Swords clashing and clanging making my ears ring.

Virginia's head was slumped forward, I could see the blood seeping from a wound. I knew she was barely alive. The battle continued. My ears barely able to hear with the after shock of canon fire.

I felt my restraints cut and Virginia and I slumped to the floor, I automatically covered her with my body again and started to drag her across the deck towards another ship. I tripped over bodies, as I dragged us forward. Slipping in pools of blood, loosing my footing.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now