Remember Our Love Chapter 26

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"Shhh, Shhh, its ok," Tom's voice whispered in the dark.

How long had I been out for? My mind whirled trying to remembe the last time I had been in this hospital room. It was when I had lost our baby Angela and woke to find her already buried. I screamed again as I realised he had no doubt buried the children without me. I just kept screaming and screaming... my babies dead, all of them.

Images running through my head of how they might have died, their little bodies laying on the beach shot, stabbed, strangled, thrown from the cliffs or drown... I lost my mind with grief as I screamed hysterical, unable to stop or catch my breath, I passed out!

I have no idea how long it had been before I dared to opened my eyes again, I was too scared to look anywhere else other than the ceiling, as my mind again went to the images of the children all broken, as they lay dead with their eyes still open in terror, the image of their graves in my mind. Tears rolled down the sides of my face as I continued to stare at the ceiling, unable to blink, talk or move, screaming in silence as I died inside.

I felt someone laying beside me, protecting me, a hand in mine, stroking my hair and face. They were saying something but my mind was too far away to listen. I don't know how long we lay there before I started to hear the voice.

"Come back Ella," Tom said. "It is safe now."

I managed to blink heavily. I had held my head so rigid for so long to stare at the ceiling but now it rolled to the side against his chest.

"That's it good girl, come back to me," Tom whispered. "I love you."

I felt him kiss my hair as I managed to squeeze his hand. I was slowly getting control of my body and mind back.

"You're safe," he said. "I'm here, nothing is going to harm you... Go get Virginia," Tom whispered.

Virginia... tears fell and I started to shake in fear as images of her being beaten became mixed with the images of my dream and Gaspar cutting her throat.

Tom stroked my hair gently, soothing me.

I heard Virginia's voice, "How is she?"

"She is still in shock, just staring but she moved," Tom said.

"Ella," Virginia whispered in my ear. "We are safe, please believe me."

I blinked heavily again.

"She blinked," Michael said.

"Keep going Virginia," Tom said eagerly. "Tell her."

"Your children are alive Ella, they are alive," she whispered in my ear. "They didn't find them."

My brain tried to process the information. Was she just saying this to soothe me?

"My children are fine too," she said.

I had seen Emma die with my own eyes so I knew that not to be true. Why were they lying to me?

"It wasn't Emma on the ship it was monkey dressed as her, doing his baby crying impression, some of Robert's old friends had infiltrated Gaspar's ship suspecting he would attack. Little Michael never got shot, that was a lie. When Michael walked into the kitchen they snuck him away and dressed monkey in Emma's clothes, Michael took Emma to Angela with the others and they stayed there. Even when their Uncle John turned up and realised something was wrong, they stayed there. John sent out the ship to call reinforcement whilst he and some of his crew frantically searched, they shouted but the children stayed hidden. Shadow arrive soon after, and only then did Rosie answer his call. Other ships heard what had happened and came. Ted, Frank, Robert and some others all rushed to our aid. They set sail to chase after us, whilst Shadow and the others protected the children and the Island, waiting for Robert to get the message to Tom and Michael. Shadow found the name you scratched in the bar so he set out to meet them and share the information, leaving the others to protect everyone. In the meantime some of the crew on Gaspar's vessel were dropping barrels out as breadcrumbs to lead them to us. They couldn't stop us being tortured as it would have led to them being discovered and us all being killed. They damaged the sails to slow us down, tied notes to the barrel and as we rounded the cove, John and the others were waiting to rescue us," she explained.

I tried to take it all in. We hadn't actually seen Emma it was possible that the shape wearing the clothes was Monkey.

"Monkey is here, but you can't hold him because you are injured," Tom said. "Our babies our alive and well, it is the truth, I promise. I didn't bring them to see you as it would upset them. You are too poorly but if you want me to, I will fetch them for you."

I heard Monkey. He crawled up the bed.

"Careful monkey," Virginia said. "Ella poorly, ah, ah, don't touch."

I looked to the side and saw his tiny little face, he looked concerned but then he broke into a full on smile, and raised his hands in the air for a cuddle. I managed to move my hand a little, and he placed his tiny hand in it. Tears sprang to my eyes as he leant forward and kissed my hand like a gentleman. He made me smile a little, but it was so painful. My whole head hurt and my body felt sore.

"She smiled," Virginia said.

"Good monkey," Tom said praising him. He leant over so I could see him. "Hey beautiful, welcome back. I wish I could kiss you but it would hurt you too much," he said.

I wondered what he meant, obviously I was worse that I thought. I tried to see Virginia, I gasped. She was black and blue, her face all swollen, black eyes. She was in a wheelchair.

"Hey don't you worry about me, you threw yourself on top of me taking my punishment remember," she said. "I should be the one lying there not you."

I shook my head as tears fell.

"Ella I know I would be dead right now if it wasn't for you," she said her voice thick with emotion.

Michael came to stand beside her, "Thank you Ella, for everything," he said.

I closed my eyes, trying not to break down.

"We will leave you two alone," Michael said. "Come on monkey."

I felt Tom stroke my hair, "You rest now, I'll be right here," he said and gently placed his hand in mine.

I spent the next few days drifting in and out of consciousness, Tom always there holding my hand, stroking my hair, telling me he loves me and would never leave my side.

He only left when the nurses came to treat me. I finally managed to sit up a little one day and was determined to stay awake for longer than five minutes so I could speak to my husband.

Tom came back in with Michael, "Hey look at you," he said, praising me.

I suddenly felt pain.

"I need to move," I told him.

I tried to move but the pain in my back, streaked through me.

I gasped, "Oh no, oh no," I said drawing a sharp breath through my teeth. I closed my eyes as the pain was so bad I started to cry, even though I fought against it, I didn't want him to see me like this. I coughed, blood filled my mouth. As pain raked my body.

They ran to support me. Tom and Michael's held me one either side of the bed, lowering me back down so I was lying on my back.

"I'm sorry," I whispered through gritted teeth, tears streaming down my face.

"Just you lie still baby, Michael and I have got you," he said as he wiped the blood from my mouth. I looked at him to gauge his concern as I didn't want to be scaring him because I had cried in pain but then I saw it in his eyes... I was dying.

As they settled me down and the pain subsided a little. I knew what I wanted and needed.

"Tom, I want to go home," I said to him my voice barely recognisable, "I know I am dying and I don't want to die here. Take me home so I can see my babies and die in peace, please."

I looked at his heartbroken face, as he realised I knew and he couldn't deny it.

Michael came around to put his arm around his brothers shoulder. Tom nodded at me, as tears fell down his cheeks.

"Ok," he whispered.

I managed a weak smile. As he fell to his knees, holding my hands, his lips pressed against them. "I'm so sorry baby," he said. Michael stood behind him and turned his back so I couldn't see him cry too.

I moved my hand to stroke his hair, "I love you," I whispered.

His shoulders shook, as he broke his heart.

"Take me home," I whispered as I close my eyes and resigned myself to my fate. Hopefully I would hold on long enough to see my babies one last time.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now