Remember Our Love Chapter 9

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I must have fell to sleep as I woke to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet approach the bed.

Rosie trotted around to my side and I helped her up. She sat astride me and looked over at Tom.

I put my finger to my lips telling her to keep quiet.

"Oohh a pirate!" she whispered. Her face lit up with excitement, she put a hand over her mouth as she giggled trying to keep quiet.

I laughed, I couldn't help it and it woke Tom, he looked over at us.

"Oops, shhh," Rosie said to me with her finger on her lip. "Don't wake the pirate mummy," she told me.

"Sorry," I whispered back loving the fact that she was back to her chatty little self after such a traumatic ordeal.

"Can we keep him?" she asked.

"He is not a pet," I giggled and looked at Tom. He smiled and looked at Rosie. Seeing her up close properly for the first time as his daughter. Wait! Did he remember what we told him before he went to sleep?

"Do you remember who we are?" I asked.

"Yes but not anything new, sorry," he said.

I placed a hand against his cheek. "You don't need to apologise," I leant in and kissed him gently.

"Mummy!" Rosie screamed. "He's mine!"

She was livid and showed her disgust by hopping off me and going to sit astride Tom. I looked at her and smiled at her little outburst. She leant forward cuddling up to his chest "Go away mummy," she said and pushed me away with her hand.

Tom laughed, as he stroked her hair. She glared at me.

"Don't look at me like that Rosie, it is naughty, you have to be nice to mummy," I told her.

"No he's mine," she whined and squeezed herself closer to Tom.

"What about if we share him?" I suggested, trying to appease her.

"No!" she cried and reached over and tried to pinch me.

I caught her hand. "You do not pinch, I'll tell granddad Robert on you."

"Tell me what?" he said as he appeared in the doorway.

"Rosie is being nasty and pinching," I told him.

He tutted shaking his head in disappointment.

She sat up to look at her granddad. "She is stealing my pirate!" she cried, her little face wearing her fathers frown.

"That is not your pirate, that is mummy's pirate," he said.

She looked at her granddad and then to me and then to Tom.

"No, I want him," she said. Then she looked back at her granddad and announced in horror, "Mummy kissed him."

He smiled "And so she should," he said. "Who do you think that is, Rosie?" he asked.

"Hmmm... a pirate," she answered thoughtfully.

He shook his head. "No, that is your daddy," he said.

"My daddy!" she said screwing her face up and shaking her head in disbelief. "Silly Granddad," she said.

"It's true," I said.

She looked at me and then at Tom. He nodded. She leaned forward really close to his face and stared into his eyes and then scanned her eyes over his face. "Hello daddy," she said as though recognising him from the picture my sister drew and kissed him on the lips. She giggled and looked at her granddad all excited. Scurried off her father and the bed, running into the hall way "Thomas, Daddy's home!" she squealed.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now