Remember Our Love Chapter 6

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Back at my room I started to throw a few things into a bag.

"What are you doing Ella?" Virginia asked at the door.

"I'm packing a few things and I'll send for the rest when I get settled," I replied.

"You can't leave, where are you going?"

"I can leave and I have to leave, for my own sanity. I have my children to think of and this situation is not helping them or me. I need to be with them not leaving them with my parents. I have responsibilities as a mother. They need a home where they don't have to hide who they are and where their mother doesn't hide who she is either. Surely you understand," I looked her pleading for some support.

"I'm trying to but there is a huge part of me which is selfish enough to want to keep you here. But the other part can't bear to watch you go through this, not even for even another second," she said tears filled her eyes.

"Will I be able to get off the Island or has Michael warned them all not to take me?" I asked.

"He wanted to but his father said he will take you where ever you want to go. As he believes you and the children have been through enough too. He is ready to leave whenever you are."

"I'll be down to the ship in a minute."

"Do you need any help?" she asked.

"No I just need a minute to say goodbye to the place, to this room," I said looking at my marital bed.

"You don't need to say goodbye, you can always come back, even for a visit."

I shook my head, "I'm not coming back."

She gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

"I'm moving forward with my life. There is no point in revisiting the past and stirring up old memories that only I remember," I told her.

"I remember them too, you are part or my life Ella, you're my family! Are you going to try to forget me to?" tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I will never forget you and I will see you when you visit. I just can't come back here or stay here any longer, every moment is torture. It's like poison to my soul and I can't swallow anymore of it, it is killing me Virginia," tears ran down my cheeks as I grabbed my bag and went down the stairs and out the back towards the ship.

Virginia followed. I could hear her crying.

Michael was with his father. He looked upset but as his gaze turned toward Virginia, his upset turned to concern as he ran to her saying he was sorry and it was all his fault.

I passed my bag to a member of the crew.

"Thank you," I said to his father.

"Do you want to get the children first?" he asked.

I nodded.

I took a deep breath as pains shot through my aching heart. I turned to look at Michael and Virginia. He had her held against his chest.

"I will miss you both, thank you for all you have done for me and my children. I will let you know where I am so you can come visit and bring little Michael and help me get settled," I said to Virginia.

She nodded and flung her arms around me squeezing me tight. Michael joined in and said "If you need anything."

"I know, just ask," I said and popped up on my toes to kiss his cheek. I hugged Virginia again and turned and ran on the ship.

I didn't look back or wave. I just sat in the cabin determined that I would no longer cry for that which was no longer mine. I would make a new life. I just needed to work out where.

Two days into our journey I was sat on the bow of the ship, leaning against a barrel with a blanket around me staring into space, caught up in my own little reverie.

"Mrs Tyler.... Mrs Tyler" someone called shaking me from my repose.

"Ella please, its Ella Fitzpatrick now," I corrected the crew member.

"Well Miss Fitzpatrick," he said unsure of using the name so looked around to ensure he wouldn't get into trouble, "Supper is ready if you would like some."

"No thank you, I'm just going to stay here if you don't mind," I answered.

"I don't mind Miss but the Captain might, you haven't eaten or said two words since you came on board. You just sit staring out into the sea with tears rolling down your face but I don't think you even realise they are there," he said. As I looked up at him, he nodded towards my cheek. I put my hand up to my face. He was right, there were tears.

"Oh," I said as I realised, "I'm sorry," I said apologising for upsetting the crew.

"You have nothing to apologise for miss. We all wish things had worked out better for you Mrs Tyler... sorry Miss Fitzpatrick," he said correcting himself. "We are gonna miss having you and the children around. I will leave you in peace Miss," he said and left.

Six months later I stared out at sea again as the children played on the beach. I had a lovely home and had turned the downstairs into a bar for when visitors came. Visitors like Frank and Ted who I knew were checking up on me and the children half the time they came to visit.

The house had been falling apart when I found it but with their help and that of the crew it was beautiful. There were out buildings and now guest rooms. Virginia had been to visit with little Michael a few weeks ago. He had cried when she went to take him home so she promised to visit again soon.

Virginia found it hard being here as I had recently become friendly with a local pirate called Joe. I was trying to move on with my life and she had to respect that but she admitted she struggled with it. She never mentioned Tom and neither did I or anyone else for that matter. It was like the unspoken rule which would allow me to move on.

Joe and I were just friends but it had the potential to be more than that and he had very nearly kissed me last night had little Rosie not interrupted. He had long dark hair, a beard, brown eyes, naughty grin and was sexy as hell.

I sat there contemplating my life and wondering if sleeping with Joe would be nice. I decided to find out tonight, I was running the children into the ground so they would be exhausted and sleep. No interruptions. Tonight I was going to have sex with Joe.

It had been that long I hoped that I would remember what to do. Ok I didn't love him but this was not about love, this was just lust. A woman has needs the same as a man and I was going to satisfy mine tonight as I was sure Tom had satisfied his in the past six months. He was quick enough to kiss me when he thought I was just a wench in a bar. It still made my heart ache and my eyes sting when I thought of it. I tried not to cry by thinking about something else.

I lay back on the beach fantasying about Joe.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" I would ask him brazenly.

"Yes," he would say and lean in to kiss me.

Images flashed through my head. Hands on my body caressing and undressing me. A breast revealed and caught it in a warm mouth. My heart raced with the fantasy and areas that I thought had long since died came back to life. I imagined hands moving up my dress to find my secret place and fingers exploring me and a kiss that held so much promise of passion yet to come that if tonight was going to be anything like this, the children were going to be early. I could not wait.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now