Remember Our Love Chapter 25

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Virginia and I were helped onto our husbands ship. Their father returned to help them.

We both stood in silence looking out to sea as the sound of our husbands killing our captives rose over the sound of the waves. We held each others hand and I felt Virginia begin to fall as the shock of the day became too much. I caught her in my arms, dropping to my knees, cradling her, stroking her hair as I stared out to sea wondering how my children had died. Virginia knew how her children had suffered. I didn't know what was worse, knowing or imagining.

Tiredness, pain and the loss of blood from the flogging were enough to claim me, dragging me to the sanctity of unconsciousness. I fell, slumped over, still protecting Virginia in my arms. Coiled around each other protectively.

In my unconscious state over the next few days my mind played over scenarios one of which was so vivid I would never forget it.

I was lying on my back across Gaspar's Captains desk. He stood over the other side of the room with Virginia on her knees, holding her by the hair and a knife at her throat.

I knew he would kill her if I didn't do what he asked. He called for someone to enter the room. Pirate Joe entered, looking a bit shocked and confused.

"So this one here claims she is your bride, is that true?" Gaspar asked.

"Yes," Joe answered covering for me.

"Prove it," Gaspar said.

"Sorry?" Joe said confused.

"Take her now, on my desk, in front of me. Prove that she is your wife," he said.

I was shocked.

"I don't sleep with my wife in front of other people," Joe replied, "That is private and for our bed only."

I felt relieved.

"Really?" Gaspar said and then a wicked grin crept over his face. "Well if you don't get inside her right now, I will get inside this one with this blade," he said pushing the knife harder against Virginia's neck so it cut her and blood trickle down her cleavage.

"Ok, ok." Joe said.

He turned to me and gave me an apologetic look. I looked to Virginia, she was terrified.

"Now," Gaspar ordered. Pressing the knife to make Virginia squeal.

I reached down to remove my undergarments. As Joe closed his eyes, I knew he was making out it was to calm his breath but really it was to hide my private parts from his view. He was a gentleman.

I lay back and closed my eyes as I heard Joe drop his trousers and move between my legs. He didn't touch himself to me and he wasn't hard. He intended to fake this, I could do that.

"Pull her dress back I want to see you enter her and I want you to tell me what it is like," Gaspar ordered. "I mean if she is your wife there should be no problem in doing that. Should there?"

I took a deep breath, this was just an act, it was his penis in my vagina, simple I could do this, it wasn't making love it was an act to save a life. I knew Joe didn't want to but Virginia's life hung in the balance.

I moved my hand down between my legs and touched his flaccid penis, I felt him twitch and catch his breath as I started to pump it with my hand. He grew hard fast.

"I want to see you slide into her," Gaspar said.

I pulled my dress up to reveal myself, Gaspar's eye lit up.

"Beautiful," he said. "Taste her first!" he ordered.

Joe shook his head, he was trying to look away, protect my modesty.

The sound of Virginia squealing as the knife cut deeper, making me take his hand and place it against me, telling him it was ok.

He looked at me and I nodded. He lowered his head; his tongue flicked out and gently lapped over me a couple of times. He raised his head.

"More," Gaspar said his crotch growing in size.

"She doesn't like it when I do that," Joe said as an excuse.

"Tough, do it and I want your tongue inside her," Gaspar instructed.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip. Joes tongue worked its way past my lips and into my opening.

"Raise her legs I can't see properly," Gaspar said.

Joe took my ankles and pushed them in the air.

"Eat her," he ordered.

Joe paused and held his breath to control his anger. He was struggling. He needed to know I didn't blame him. Virginia's life was all that mattered.

As his tongue flicked over my clit gently, tentatively I touched my fingers to his hair reassuringly. He looked up at me, I smiled weakly. He continued to eat me, as instructed.

"What does she taste like?" Gaspar asked.

"That is private," Joe said.

"I think we are past privacy here, don't make me come and taste her myself," he said.

Joe felt me flinch.

"She tastes beautiful," he whispered.

"Taste this one and compare it," he said pushing Virginia forward but keeping the knife at her throat.

"That is not my wife," Joe said.

"True, well get to it. I want to see you enter her," he said.

Joe closed his eyes again. As he opened them I gave him a gentle nod.

I closed my eyes bracing myself.

"Ah, Ah Ella I want you to look into your husbands eyes whilst he does it and if either of you look away I will gut her like a pig," he said.

My heart raced as Joe adjusted my legs to pull my hips closer to his. I felt his hand pumping himself as he closed his eyes and then pushed the tip to my entrance, looking into my eyes he slid into me and a gentle angry growl escaped his lips.

"Oh lovely, how does she feel?" Gaspar asked.

Joe shook his head.

"Sorry I didn't hear that," Gaspar said.

"Amazing," he answered.

"You're not moving so she can't feel that good, if you don't make her cum and cum yourself I will kill this one," Gaspar warned.

"Just do it," I whispered to Joe. I couldn't believe I had once fantasised about this and here I was with Joe inside me but for all the wrong reasons and all I wanted was my husband.

I looked at Virginia, she was bleeding and terrified as Joe started to slide inside me back and forth.

"Make it quick," he whispered in my ear.

I knew what he meant. I grabbed hold of him tightly and started to slid over him. We crashed against each other quick and hard.

I looked over to Virginia and was horrified that Gaspar was forcing her at knife point to suck his penis. His hand roughly pulling her hair over him, choking her as he rammed himself deep and he held the blade to her throat.

As Joe quickly pulled out of me and came over my thigh, I faked an orgasm for Gaspar to hear.

"Very good," Gaspar said and removed himself from Virginia's mouth. "But I don't believe you," he said and as the door swung open Tom stood looking at me with Joe and Gaspar slit Virginias throat.

I woke screaming "VIRGINIA!!"

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now