Remember Our Love Chapter 11

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I stayed in my room ignoring the knocks at the door from his brother and father pleading with me to open it and just let Tom explain.

All they succeeded in doing was making me angrier. I felt hurt, betrayed and a fool!

"Ella, please be reasonable," Michael said through the door.

That was it! I screamed a very bad word and smashed another ornament against the door.

"Ella calm down!" he called. I cursed again and threw another one and it made an even bigger smash.

The sound woke the children and they started to cry. I took a minute to try to compose myself, drew in a few deep breaths and wiped away the tears. I opened the door to go to the children's room to sooth them only to hear them cry down stairs, I looked over the stairs to see them being carried out of the bar.

I ran after them, "Get away from my children," I yelled as I chased after them. Robert and Thomas carrying them towards the ship.

"Ella, we are just taking them out of the way whilst you sort this out," Michael said holding his arms out wide to stop me passing him and taking my children back.

"Get out of my way and put my children down," I shouted and tried to get past him as my children were being carried further and further away from me, crying towards the Ship. Just seeing Tom carrying our son away from me, made me livid. Who did he think he was walking in here and taking my children? He was a stranger to them. I tried to dive past Michael.

"Ella, no," Michael said and moved in my way. I punched him in anger. He fell to the sand.

Robert turned around "Ella!" he said in shock, and put Rosie down running to Michael.

"Rosie come here," I commanded her. She stood staring at me, confused and crying. Tom picked her up before I had a chance to get to her. "Put them down," I growled at him.

He ignored me, turning his back on me and walked towards the ship as the children clung to him.

I ran after him, and threw myself in front of him. "Stop!" I shouted. "Put my children down," I shouted.

His face like thunder, he tried to side step around me.

I reached out and started to pull Thomas from his arms but Thomas held on to his father.

"Stop Ella, take your hands off him," Thomas said.

"No, put him down, he is my son, you can't take him from me," I told him, still tugging on Thomas as both the children screamed and clung to their father.

"Ella, take your hands off my son, right now. You are hurting him and I won't stand for it," Tom's tone made me pause.

I felt Robert place his hands over mine "Let go Ella," he said and prised them off my son.

I felt defeated as I fell to my knees and Tom carried my children onto his fathers ship. I had lost everything! I placed my face in my hands and screamed.

I stayed there crying as I heard the ship leave. My babies gone! I felt a hand on my arm. I looked, it was Tom.

"Get off me!" I screamed shoving him away.

He pulled me up tugging me towards the house as I pulled back trying to shake off his grip.

"Let go! Get off me!" I screamed.

He pulled me to him and grabbed my jaw with his hand holding it still, "Ella, you are on my last nerve. You do not want me to loose my temper with you, believe me," he warned me through gritted teeth. "Now get in that house," he ordered and released me.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now