Remember Our Love Chapter 7

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I was awoken from my beach nap by a feeling of dread. I had only closed my eyes for a few minutes... I scanned the beach. It was silent. Where were the children?

"Thomas, Rosie!" I shouted as my heart jumped into my mouth.

I stood scanning the beach frantically.



I watched as the sea washed away tiny foot prints as the tide came in... their foot prints! Oh my god!

I heard a noise out at sea... I saw the waves bobbing up and down, cutting off my view. I ran and stood on some rocks. I saw them, they were in the sea! Thomas was trying to swim against the current but Rosie was lying face down, floating in a star shape. Her dress pulling her below.

I screamed the loudest scream I had every made in my life.

I ran down off the rocks and ran down the beach, ready to throw my clothes off and jump into the sea.

"HELP ME! SOMEONE!" I screamed back towards the bar in the hope someone would hear me. "I'm coming! Mummy is coming!" I screamed running to find the best place to start swimming towards them as I wouldn't be able to see above the waves once I was in.

Michael and some others came running from nowhere I didn't even know he was here.

"Ella what is it?" he asked his face turning pale as he took in my expression.

"The children," I cried and pointed out into the water as I ran towards it.

Michael and others ran past me diving into the water, as I was pulled back.

"No Ella let the men do it, they are strong swimmers," a voice said.

My hands covered my mouth as I silently screamed.

Time stood still and everyone was silent except for the sound of Michael and the others cutting through the sea towards the children as someone yelled direction from the rocks.

I lost my vision to tears as the orders stopped and those on shore stood solemn not even the sound of breathing could be heard over the sea.

"Here they come," some one said at last.

"It's too late!" someone else said as they all ran forward to help.

I saw Michael come out of the sea moments later with little Thomas in his arms. He looked dead, twitching, his eyes wide but staring straight ahead as though locked in terror. His mouth and nose were full of water. I ran forward as Michael placed him on the sand and Frank who had been holding me back, cursed as he ran to help him and shouted for me to stay back.

I couldn't see what they were doing. As everyone rushed forward to help. All I could hear was hard smacking noises, cursing and Michael shouting commands.

"Rosie?" I said as I realised she was still out there.

"She is over there," one of them said. "Don't look!" another said as they held me back. I didn't know where to look or who to go too.

"Please don't let my babies die, please," I begged.

I heard Robert's voice shouting commands as Michael had. I knew he was with Rosie.

I heard coughing and spluttering behind me. Michael and Frank were shaking little Thomas upside down as one of the crew push hard under his rib cage. He started to cry but they still patted his back over Franks knee and more water came out. They tipped him upside down again and shook him. Michael, Frank and the others all pulling, shaking him and patting him as he stopped breathing again.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now