Remember Our Love Chapter 23

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Tom and Michael had been gone for two weeks and we missed them desperately but knew they had a lot to catch up on. Old friends to see and trades to make.

The children watched the horizon daily waiting for them to return. They had spent so much time with their fathers lately, being taught all sorts of things and playing pirates. Even if little Rosie took some games to the extremes sometimes!

I had decided to go for a walk with baby Oliver and take him to visit his sister and Great Grandfather Thomas's grave. I stood with him looking out over the bay and saw a ship approaching. I was full of excitement as I made my way back down to tell Virginia they were on their way back.

I was practically screaming with excitement inside. I yelled for the children to come in the house and get cleaned up quickly. I took my children up to the bathroom to wash their face and hands. Virginia was sorting little Michael out in the kitchen and getting some food ready.

Thomas was beyond excited he was literally jumping up and down squealing. I heard squealing from down stairs and smiled they must be here. Hold on that wasted squealing... that was screaming, Virginia!

Oh my god what had happened? Adrenaline shot through my veins as I heard booming voices and Virginia screaming again. She was terrified! My heart raced. I dare not peak to check. I knew it was PIRATES. Not our pirates.

I turned to look at my children. What should I do with them? The pirates will kill them and me. I have to save them and then help Virginia.

Oh god, I could hear her screaming, little Michael and baby Emma crying in unison. As tears sprang to my eyes I knew she was screaming louder to warn me. I turned to the children they looked scared. I put my hands over their mouths.

"Thomas, Rosie," I whispered, "We need to be very quite, those are very bad pirates and they will hurt us if they find us. I am sorry to scare you but I have to tell you the truth. I need you to do exactly what I tell you, take your little brother and go to your sister Angela. You need to be quick and quiet. Do not stop for anyone and hide when you get there. Do not come out unless it is your father, grandparents, Ted, Frank or Shadow! NO ONE ELSE! Do you understand?" I said as I wrapped baby Ollie in a sheet, he was sound asleep. I used another sheet to tie him to Thomas's chest so he wouldn't fall, that way the children could run quicker.

I could still hear the screaming, Virginia wasn't dead yet but she was in pain and terrified.

I quickly took the children to the bedroom window and dropped some sheets I had tied into a rope. It wasn't long enough they would have to drop the rest of the way. There was no time.

I kissed them as I fought through the terror to remain in control. "You do not come out for anyone else remember!" I said. They nodded, tears running down their scared faces. "I love you, tell Daddy I love him too, now RUN!" I helped them onto the sheets Thomas first and two seconds later little Rosie. Her scared little face would haunt me. "Mummy loves you," I said stroking her face, "Run Rosie, Run!"

I watched Thomas drop to the floor like his father had taught him on ship ropes. Rosie did the same. I thanked god she was a wild as it was about to save her life. I prayed Ollie would stay asleep. They disappeared into the trees, Thomas taking Rosie's hand as they looked back and I shooed them off. "RUN! HIDE!" I mouthed at them.

I could hear the screaming. Virginia was in trouble.

I pulled the sheets back up and hid them, took a sheet of paper and quickly wrote a note.

Tom & Michael

You have been gone two weeks. A ship has arrived we thought it was you.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now