Remember Our Love Chapter 14

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I sat on a chair holding my hand out whilst my father cleaned and examined it. Wincing at the pain and biting my lip.

"So what have you got to say for yourself?" he asked as we were alone.

I stayed silent.

"You are a married woman, a mother and my daughter. You have been raised to love, honour and obey your husband not scream hysterically, smash up the house, use ungodly words and attack people," he said. All gentility in his touch forgotten. "You have always been too free with your temper and your mouth. Etiquette classes were a waste of both time and money as the only thing you learnt there was how to swear in a lighter tone," he said and I tried not to laugh. "It is not funny Ella," he snapped. I nodded in agreement. "If you think your husband in the wrong or ill treating you, you come and tell me or his father. You do not behave as you did the other day. Little Thomas has bruises on him Ella."

My heart dropped.

"He was very distraught when telling his grandmother what happened and we all know how animated little Rosie can be when re-enacting something. I thought she was exaggerating when she rolled around screaming and pulling out of people but I was informed this was not the case. This is not how we wanted the children reunited with their father and he may seem strong to others but with my trained eye he is not. He is still in constant pain. He has headaches. His sleep pattern is erratic so slowing his recovery. If you were paying more attention to him that the idol gossip of pirates you would notice such things."

He was right.

"You will respect your husband, his family and the way you were raised. Tom has said that he had to man handle you back into the house to your room after the event and he was not proud of himself and apologised for his part. I would say you are very lucky. Other men would not be so kind."

I knew my father was referring to a 'firm hand' as they called it.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" he asked.

"I am a horrible, jealous person with a foul mouth and a bad temper who will behave from now on," I said.

"Well in order to make sure you do Robert and I have an agreement. Daughter for daughter. Pearl was found to be misbehaving the other week and Ruby only told on her as she was jealous. I had to spank Pearl," he announced making my jaw drop as it must be serious as my father hated spanking. "Robert was too far away and there is no point waiting on him to come back and deal with her. Our agreement lies here too. If you behave out of line again he is to act as I would. Is that clear?" he asked.

"What?" I said in shock as I looked up at his face. He was deadly serious. Robert would spank me!

"Is that clear?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Do you understand what type of behaviour is unacceptable?" he asked.

I nodded as I sat there horrified at the thought of getting spanked. Tom had nearly hit me the other day, that was clear but he hadn't and I would never behave like that again... Ever!

"I would like something other than a nod from you Ella," he said.

"Tom told me how me what was unacceptable," I mumbled.

"Did you listen?" he asked.

"Yes and I apologised several times," I replied.

"Didn't seem like you paid much attention at all earlier. You were treating him like he was a leper," my father said referring to when I first came in from the horse. "Have you apologised for that?"

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now