Remember Our Love Chapter 21

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I was glad I had moved back to the Island with Tom. He was right, it was home.

Virginia and I watched our husbands lying on the beach with our newborns.

Tom was fast asleep with Ollie on his chest, which was Ollie's favorite place. He was a total daddy's boy and Tom, well he doted on him. The slightest cry or murmur and Tom was there. I barely had to lift a finger and if it were not for breast feeding I doubted I would ever get to hold him.

Little Thomas and Rosie weren't even jealous they just accepted they had to share their little brother and he needed more of our time because he was a baby. Thomas also thought it was great that Ollie looked like him and his daddy. Rosie thought he was a doll but as soon as she saw me change his dirty bottom one day she was over her fascination and out right disgusted.

Michael had his little girl Emma, the apple of his eye and he was as bad as Tom. Virginia never got a look in. Little Michael had no interest in his sister whatsoever. She was boring.

Life on the Island was bliss and to top it off my sister had married Tom's brother Willie and they were expecting a baby in the spring. She still teaches at the Island school and they were totally smitten with each other. They live in one of the houses we built but join us for dinner most days.

Robert and Rosie visit often but they live part time here and the other time back on what had been my Island.

Tom's new ship should arrive today. He and Michael are very excited about it, as are the children. Virginia and I are some what reticent as we know it means they will be back out to sea - and pirates! We had got used to having them around and it was going to be hard.

I am happy for him though and he put off getting it sooner so they could be with us during our pregnancies.

I heard Ollie cry, Tom stirred from his nap and lifted him in the air slightly to kiss him. He adored him.

He brought him over to me. "Here you go beautiful," he said and bent to kiss me.

"Thank you handsome," I replied.

I started to feed Ollie. He was such a good baby. I stroked his tiny head covered in black hair, his perfect ears, button nose and chubby cheeks that just got fatter by the day.

When I finished, Tom took him to wind him. He was the best at it. When he had finished Ollie lay against his chest his big blue eyes staring at everything and let out a little cry.

Tom lifted him up to face him, "Aw does someone want to play," he asked, as he coochie cooed his son. Little Ollie pulled faces at his father as he tried to smile and made cooing noises back. Tom was so in love with him, it was plain to see.

Life couldn't get any better.

It was also very busy; we were expecting visitors today so I had been up early preparing everything. I went to finish off some chores; I was in one of the guest rooms bent over the bed, making it ready for the arrivals when I felt Tom's hands on my hips as he pressed himself against my bottom.

"Oi," I said slapping his hands off and stifling a giggle.

"Oh baby plleeaassee," he pleaded and as I turned I saw his pout.

I giggled. "No, we have people coming. I am busy."

"Oooohhh plleaaseee," he pleaded again.

"No, now go away," I said waving him away with my hand.

He whimpered.

I laughed and shook my head.

"I am not giving in, now go away," I said.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now