Remember Our Love Chapter 22

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With the men gone to the Ship Virginia and I smiled at each other. Our plan was about to become reality and we were very excited.

My sister had agreed to watch the children for us and helped us get ready. William, Tom and Michaels brother was in on the plan and smirked at us. He knew his brothers would love it but every time he thought of what we were going to do, he keeled over laughing.

Virginia and I were nearly ready. I was nervous, excited and anxious. How would they take the surprise?

"Ready?" Willie asked with a grin.

"You tell me," I said and twirled. Virginia did the same.

He nodded and giggled again. He leant over and kissed my sister, his wife on the lips "The game is a foot, here we go ladies," he said.

Their father Robert appeared in the door way with their mother Rosie, "Ready girls," she said with a naughty wink.

I took a deep breath.

"I am really nervous!" Virginia said.

"Here a shot of rum and we're away," Robert said as he passed us a drink.

We drank the rum and I couldn't help but smile as my heart raced. I was beyond excited now.

"You girls look beautiful, my boys sure do have good taste in women," he said.

We smiled. As he beckoned for his men to enter.

"Take em away lads," he said.

"Aye, Aye captain," they said and put a blanket over each of our heads and carried us over their shoulder to the new ship.

I couldn't see Virginia but I could hear her giggling like me.

"Shhh," Willie said, "You are supposed to be scared, not giggling."

"Sorry," I whispered, as did Virginia which made us laugh even more.

"Shhh we are boarding, Ella we will take you first as Michael is in on this bit, he has no idea about his own," Willie said.

"What!" I said shocked, that stopped me laughing.

"Well how else was I going to get him to distract Tom long enough to get you on board undetected," Willie explained.

"Fine ok then," I said as I was starting to over heat under the blanket and still slumped over a pirates shoulder which was digging my corset into me.

"Silence now," he said and cheekily slapped my bottom. The sharp sting made me catch my breath.

I could hear Tom and Michaels voices growing louder as they discussed the ship and crew. Planning their maiden voyage.

Then out of nowhere, I received another hard slap to the bottom. It really hurt; I yelled and tried to get down to hit William as I heard him laugh.

"I am going to kill you," I growled "Put me down!" I yelled kicking and wriggling to get down.

"Captain, it looks like we have a stowaway," I heard Michael say as I was dumped to the ground with a thud and the blanket removed. I was fuming as I saw Tom's face at the sight of me all dressed up in the finest gowns money could buy, or should I say, his mother could trade for.

I turned to William, "You!" I scowled.

"Ah, Ah," Michael said as he and William grabbed me. One by the arms and the other by the legs. "You are a stowaway my lady and as such you belong to the Captain now," he said. "Where do you want her Captain?" Michael asked Tom.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now