Remember Our Love Chapter 15

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Robert escorted me up as he was keen to see his wife too. "Here she is, good as new," he said as we entered the room. "I'd like to say she didn't put up much of a fight but I'd be lying."

Tom was sat in a chair and rose to meet me. "You look so pale. Are you ok?" he asked, stroking my face.

I nodded.

"Come sit with me and speak with my mother for a few minutes," he said and led me back to the chair. He sat and pulled me gently onto his knee. His arms around my waist, as I leant back resting my head against his shoulder.

Everyone sat talking to his mother as I listened for a few minutes. I was in too much pain to join in the conversation.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Tom whispered and stroked my face again. I could see the concern and love in his eyes, I leant in to give him a kiss. My eyes closed for a moment and struggled to open again. I was shattered. I felt him laugh gently. "Come on sleepy, I'll take you to bed," he said.

"Mmm hmm," I said as my eyes closed again. Before I had a chance to stand he had swung me up in his arms and was carrying me to my room.

He sat me down on the bed and helped remove my house coat which had been slung around my shoulders over the sling.

"I don't want the sling on whilst I sleep," I said barely able to open my eyes.

"Ok," he said and undid it for me.

He pulled back the covers and helped me into bed. Tucking me in.

"No, you get in too Tom, I need to cuddle up to you and rest my arm on your chest," I had meant to ask him, but in my sleepy, half drunk, painful state it was more of a command.

He laughed gently. "Ok, hold on."

I heard him getting undressed and the sound of his clothes hitting the floor made my body tingle and adrenaline shot through me sending my heart beat racing. He climbed in beside me in his underwear.

I wanted him naked! What was wrong with me, I had a terrible day, my hand was agony and all I could think of at the minute was Tom naked. If I was a man I would have an erection by now!

"There you go," he said holding up his arm for me to snuggle under it.

I lay my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat and watched it rising and falling. I loved his scent... oh my god I was at it again.

I closed my eyes and snuggled close. I was asleep in seconds.

I don't know how long I was asleep before I woke with the burning of my hand but that was soon overshadowed by the erotic sensations that flowed through my body again as I realised I was cuddled up to Tom.

"I thought you were tired, I can feel your eyelashes tickling my chest when you blink so I know you are not asleep," he said.

I giggled.

He tilted my face up so he could see it, "What is so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said and burst out laughing.

"Ella, you're drunk," he said accusingly.

"I wish, if I was drunk my hand wouldn't hurt so much," I said. "I could do with some more Rum for the pain."

"I'll go get it," he said and hopped out of bed to fetch it. I watched him and my whole body reacted to the sight of him half naked. He was a god!

I hatched a plan ready for when he got back. I was going to seduce him, bad hand or not a girl has needs and right now I needed him badly. Plus I had promised his mother that I would get my husband back and there was no time like the present.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now