Remember Our Love Chapter 18

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We went inside to get fixed up. I decided to go remove the bandage and wash my hand first to check on the damage.

Michael came over and saw, "Ouch Ella," he said.

We heard little Thomas behind me. Both of us froze ready for the screaming. "Can I see mummy?" he asked calmly and pulled a stool up, stood and look at my hand. Drawing his breath through his teeth, "Ouch" he said.

Michael and I looked at each other. Waiting, but he didn't start crying.

"I'll go get daddy for you mummy," he said. "He looks after you now."

Michael and I were gob smacked.

Tom came through the kitchen door with Thomas in his arms and my father.

"Don't worry granddad my daddy is home now, it is his job to take care of my mummy, he fixes her with love and kisses, and there is magic in his cuddles. He makes sure she is safe and mummy does the same for him," he said smiling at his father.

So that must have been part of what Tom told him to calm him down before. He was not bothered about my hand because his daddy was home now. Had it really been so simple?

My father shook his head at my hand and went to get his bag. Tom carried Thomas out. He wouldn't be brave enough for this.

Michael stayed, "Do you want me to hold you down?" he asked.

"I'd like you to knock me out and wake me when it is done," I said.

Robert walked in the room, "Ella how the hell did you do that?" he asked.

I blushed. Michael laughed.

"Oh for crying out loud," he said. "Michael fetch some rum from the pantry."

"Yeah Michael, the PANTRY!" I said smirking back at him and he blushed. I smiled.

"Why is everyone blushing around here?" Robert asked.

"Don't act all innocent I know what you have been up to with your wife Robert," I said.

"She's too ill for all that," he said.

"LIES!" I said challenging him.

"Get this belt in your mouth," he said unbuckling his belt.

"Admit it!" I said. "Or I will go bring her in and ask her."

"Ok I may have had a bit of a kiss and cuddle," he said blushing.

I laughed, "And so you should," I said happy for him that his wife was now home.

Tom came back in, as his father removed his belt for me to bite down on.

"I'm staying this time," he said to his father.

"It will be upsetting for you," his father said.

"Not as upsetting as it will for Ella and I won't leave her without her husband by her side," he said.

"Fine but it has to be done, so next time you two get frisky tie her arm up out of the way," he suggested and we all laughed.

My father returned. Michael passed the Rum and I drank a cup.

"Right you know the drill, assume the position," his father said.

I lay on the table with my arm out. Tom and Michael stood by me, both looked at each other and then back to me. I bit down on the belt and my father began. I automatically pulled my arm away. Robert had hold of my arm.

"Boys you have to treat her the same as any other member of the crew or it will be worse and take longer. Now hold her shoulders down Tom," he said. "Michael you better help hold her arm."

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now