Four. Bistro's and catwalk's

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"How gorgeous is this place?"

I say looking around the small bistro that hides between the post office and a shoe shop in the middle of nowhere. An hour into our journey from Pickering, we decided to stop for something to eat, as Enzo told me the B&B he booked is a fair drive away.

The building looks like it belongs in Covent Garden with its cream marble bricks and stainless steel fixtures. The worn out burnt orange brick archways running along the middle of the inside take your breath away.

Enzo pours peppercorn sauce all over his steak. "It's ace. I like the atmosphere here. Not too snobby."

We've eaten in a lot of posh places, sometimes feeling looked down upon when the head of house walks you to your seat with his nose high in the air, automatically assuming you want the lowest priced meal.

I nod. "It's very laid back. How's your steak?"

Enzo pops another piece of meat into his mouth and chews before answering, "Top notch. It cuts like butter and melts in your mouth. Is your risotto good?"

I give him a thumbs up which causes his lips to tip at the edges. "It looks lovely. Do you want to try some steak?"

"Yes, please," I reply, putting my fork down on the plate.

Enzo slides some meat on his fork along with the garlic wild mushrooms that came as a side dish and holds it out in front of me. "Careful the juice doesn't spill on your shirt."

I open my mouth as Enzo cups his hand under the fork as I taste garlic and cream on my taste buds. A satisfied moan leaves my lips when different flavours burst in my mouth at the same time, making me crave more.

"Oh, that's out of this world," I say, Enzo already wanting to feed me more.

"Delicious, isn't it?" he gives me a second bite, smoothing his hand along my cheek in an affectionate little gesture.

I grab onto his wrist and move my fingers up and down his arm, watching the candlelight cast shadows over his face. "Do you want to try some of my risotto?"

Enzo gives me a kind nod, and I let go of his arm to feed him too, enjoying the sensuality of it. I gently blow over the rice before sliding the fork into his mouth. "You can taste the sage, huh?"

"Yes, can I have a bit more?" he replies, hungrily gazing at my plate.

"Sure, you can," I go to scoop some more up and then get a better idea. The side plate near Enzo's glass of coke is empty of the earlier bread. So, I take hold of it and then scrape on half of my risotto, as it's a huge portion that I'll never finish.

Enzo accepts the plate, placing it back where I found it. "Are you sure I'm allowed this much? You haven't eaten a lot today."

I only eat in small portions, never able to stomach a lot of food at once. "It will only go to waste. You eat it."

"Okay, sweetheart," Enzo reaches to hold my hand over the dinner table, leaning his body towards mine for a quick kiss. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier today. You didn't deserve it."

I close my eyes when his manly scent hits me, soothing my anxiety about the whole situation. We don't argue a lot, but when we do it can turn quite ugly. It's only happened a few times when Enzo was highly stressed with work, and I wanted him to go over my work presentation with me.

We pull away from our kiss and carry on eating not wanting the thirty pounds steak to go cold. It's Wagyu beef which according to the head chef is the only type you should eat. I'm not sure myself about the price. Enzo is enjoying it though.

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