Fourteen. Crazy hair and Daisy chains

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"I've ruined your hair, haven't I?"

I stare at myself in the mirror, not knowing whether to cry or scream at the sight of my bright pink hair. Twenty minutes we were supposed to leave the dye on for, not the forty Janet misread. At first, I thought the colour stood out so much because my hair was damp, so I shampooed it before going to bed last night, expecting to wake up with candy floss ends.

Enzo's wide eyes were the first indication that something wasn't quite right, his fingers taking hold of my pillowcase to show me the pink stain. It's a monstrosity. I run my fingers through the ends feeling the roughness of the strands, hearing Janet's nervous fists banging on the door.

"Ambrosia, sweetheart, it doesn't look too bad," Enzo's voice adds in.

I spin to look at the closed bathroom door. "Doesn't look too bad? Are you joking me? You might as well have told me I look ugly!"

"Wrong choice of words," he responds.

I give a short laugh. "You think?"

I grab the brush from the drawer under the sink and pull it through the knots. "I look like a My Little Pony in human form."

"I researched it and apparently if you wash your hair with washing up liquid it strips the colour," Janice says.

I sigh and move towards the bathroom door, sliding the lock across so they can both get a good look at me. Enzo covers his mouth to hide his smile, and I narrow my eyes at him, threatening him with one glance. Janet rushes inside and puts the washing up liquid near the bath, pulling out the shower head all the way.

"If we wash it now we might be able to get the majority of the pink out."

Trusting in her one more time, I kneel near the bath and tip my head forward so the water trickles back into the tub when she aims the water full blast at my head. The sound of suds is all I hear next as Janet must pour half the bottle on my head, feeling some go into my ears.

"The suds are turning pink," Enzo says from across the room.

"Pass me the baking soda, En. It's supposed to work with the sulphates in the washing up liquid."

I wince when she scrubs extra hard on my scalp. "I will have my hair still attached when you've finished, right?"

Enzo chuckles. "If you're lucky."

"Stop it," I cry, not in the mood for his joking. "Leave the room if you have nothing encouraging to say."

"Chill out, Am," he responds, sounding wary.

"It's coming out. The suds are turning pink," Janet interrupts.

I grip onto the lip of the bathtub. "You promise?"

"Yes, I swear it. I'll rinse and then do a second wash to be sure," she replies, bringing the cool water back on my head.

Thank goodness. I imagine my hair will be an even bigger frizz ball when we finish, but I can deal with that with a carton of conditioner. In my youth, I would have embraced the pink, thinking I looked funky, but not now. Especially, when my time at DailyDiets is coming to a close. I need for them to keep me on and looks are an important part when you are trying to impress a CEO.

"I've learnt my lesson. I'll never dye my hair at home. My hairdresser would have a field day," I laugh.

Janet whispers. "Maybe you just shouldn't let me dye your hair at home."

I reach out to squeeze her leg. "Don't feel bad, Jan. It was an accident."

"I do. I feel awful. Please let me pay for you to get it corrected at the salon."

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