Twelve. Aftermath and tracksuits

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"Sleepyhead, it's time to get up."

I open my eyes and have a moment of panic, not recognising anything in the bedroom. It takes my brain a few seconds to recoup, and then I remember where I am, but I swear that was Enzo's voice that woke me.

I must be missing him.

I think I need help.

A warm hand runs over the back of my head, and I jump out of my skin, moving halfway across the double bed in fear of Gregory making the second move of the weekend.

"Get off me," I cry, still fairly disorientated.

I feel a dip on the bed signalling he's sitting down, so I spin around to warn him away when I see Enzo's worried face as he reaches out to me. Relief hits me directly in the chest. I'm safe. Enzo takes hold of my hand, probably thinking that I'm still half asleep.

Not anymore.

"It's me," he whispers so gently, I feel like faking my disorientation to get his sappy side. "You still dreaming, Am, sweetheart?"

"Hmph," I say, questioning my own sanity.

Enzo reaches out to stroke his fingers up and down my cheek, a glint in his eye. Darn it, and he's on to me. "Is my wife pretending? Do I need to get a bucket of cold water?"

"No," I come to life, not putting it past him to do such a thing. "No need for water. I'm awake." I throw my arms around his neck, "Good morning!"

Enzo catches me. "Morning, sleepyhead. You know what time it is?"

It suddenly dawns on me that Enzo is here in Leeds. "Why are you here? I'm supposed to be getting the train back."

"I thought I would surprise you."

What a love bug. I want to cuddle him until he can't breathe. "It's a lovely surprise."

Enzo moves his face towards mine with his nose nuzzling into my cheek. "I have another surprise."

I start to hyperventilate. "You do?"

"How do you fancy a few nights away at a hotel?"

It's my lucky day. I wrap my arms around his neck and bounce up and down on the mattress. "I say, let's go now!"

"I booked us into a swanky hotel here and then a small B&B closer to Nedderton." I jump when his fingers creep up my sleep shirt. "I figured we could use some alone time. It's been a while since we did some coupley things."

"Coupley things?" I laugh, knowing where his one track mind is heading. Men. Honestly, like living under his parent's roof puts a stop to his needs.

Enzo lifts his eyebrow. "You need me to explain?"

"No," I push at his side and swing my legs over the side of the mattress heading for the mirror on the wall to check the state of my face. I cringe, shamefully having had left my makeup on overnight. "I'm on the same page."

Enzo steps forward and places his hands on my hips. "Don't I get my morning kiss?"

I move my head to the left to capture his lips in a sweet kiss, feeling dread in the pit of my tummy as it reminds me who's lips were touching there not long ago.

"You seem off it. Are you hungover?" he mumbles over my mouth.

"No, I, um, I actually have something to tell you. Last night, Gregory kissed me."

"What?" Enzo explodes from zero to one hundred, pulling away from me. "I knew you shouldn't have come. I knew you weren't safe around him. I knew I should have been here. I knew it!" he heads for the door. "Is he here? I'll have a word with him. Yeah, and by words, I mean with my fists."

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