Twenty-eight. TGI Fridays and bed springs

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"If you ate the samples again I will kill you. Pregnant or not," Zanna says coming to stand near my desk.

"Zanna, is that three times you've threatened to hurt me now?" I smile, scrunching the chocolate bar wrappers up in my hand.

Zanna huffs. "You're a pain in the neck."

"And, you're aggressive," I respond, pulling my chair closer to my desk.

"Roll on your Maternity leave," she winks, hiding a smile.

We've strangely bonded over my love for stealing her samples. And she told me the other day that I'm the coolest girl in the office. So, I'm taking that as a positive.

I need some friends.

"You'll miss me, and you know it."

Zanna perches her bottom on the desk beside me. "Yeah, I will. You going out tonight?"

"I'm meeting up with my friend Gabe. You can come too if you want?"

Zanna seems to be contemplating it. "Where you going?"

"TGI Fridays. We're getting fajitas."

It's become Gabe, and I's Thursday night ritual to go out for something to eat. I choose a restaurant one week and then he the next. Whenever it's his week, the food usually ends up being American, whereas with me it's always Italian.

"Yeah, I'll come. What time are you going?"

I glance at the tiny rose gold desk clock sitting next to my computer and see it's almost time to leave for the day. "Any minute now. You've met Gabe before, right?"

I swear she sighs out loud. "Yeah, a few times."

I try to hold back my smile, but it's useless. "He tickle your fancy?"

"Tickle my fancy?" she snorts, her Yorkshire accent making the words harder. "You're too posh, Am."

"Don't change the subject," I laugh, narrowing my eyes. "Does he? Because he's single and ready to mingle."

"I don't know him."

"You could get to know him," I respond.

Am I a matchmaker or what? First mum and Silver Fox and now Gabe and Zanna. I need to drink a red bull to grow some Cupid wings.

"Setting friends up never works out," she stands up straight and begins to walk out of the room, turning back to face me. "He's fit, though. I'll give you that."

It isn't long before the three of us are walking the streets of London, talking about our days. Gabe is chatting away to Zanna, finding common ground in their passion for fitness. I don't mind that they're not including me, too busy planning my meal in my head.

"We go to the same gym, Am," someone says, but I don't know who.

I stumble for a second. "Erm, What?"

Both Zanna and Gabe laugh, stopping when they realise that they're walking miles ahead of me.

"Our gym. It's the same place."

"Oh," I fake enthusiasm, feeling exhausted from the walking. "Small world, isn't it?"

"It's so small, it's scary sometimes," Gabe responds, a sympathetic frown on his face. "You all right, Am Bam? You look tired."

I nod. "I am tired. Work was hard today, and I'm dreading tomorrow because I know it's going to be twice as bad."

"Look, we can organise dinner for another day," he says, stopping us in the middle of the street, much to the annoyance of the fellow Londoners.

Is it wrong of me to want to take him up on that offer? Just for this week. "I could do with a night in front of the telly if I'm honest."

Gabe reaches out to cup my face. "You go. Come on. I'll get you a taxi."

I pull back. "No, I'll walk to see if Enzo's still at work. It's not far."

"Then I'll come with you-"

"Gabe, honey," I laugh, patting his side. "There's no need for you to come with me."

He narrows his eyes. "Text me when you get there."

"I will."

We stare at one another and then he asks, "It cool if I hang out with Zanna?"

Now it's my turn. "Yes, but don't you dare sleep with her. I like having a girlfriend."

Gabe widens his mouth. "Would I do such a thing?"

I punch his chest, knowing it's exactly something he would do. "Yes, you bloody would, Gabriel. You're no man of God."

"Ha-Ha," he smacks his lips right across my forehead. "Remember to text me. I'll see you sometime in the week."

I wave my friends off and then do a U-turn on the path and head back up the road, taking the side streets for quickness. I'm coming out on the familiar street when I spot Enzo pulling out of the University campus.

I wave my arms in the air like a lunatic, catching his attention right away. Pulling the car into the parking space next to me, he jumps out, rushing to my side.

"What's wrong?"

I smile, my fingers naturally going to cup his face. I don't stop them. "Nothing's wrong. I wanted to see you."

"What a lovely surprise," he cups his hands over mine and squeezes gently. "Let's get you into the car. I don't like you on your feet for too long."

"Stop worrying. I'm fine."

"You're heavily pregnant and only just getting over a broken foot. You need to take it steady," he responds, and I can't argue because he's absolutely right.

I climb into the seat, reaching for the button to switch on the heater. Enzo closes my car door and sprints around the front to get to the driver's side. Once he gets inside, I rest my head on his shoulder, lacing our fingers together.

"Hey," he says, stroking my hair away from my face. "What's this all about?"

"Can I sleep at ours tonight?"

Enzo's breath stutters for a moment. "Sweetheart, you don't have to ask me. It's your place too."

"I know," I smile, my heart happy for some reason. "I miss you, En."

"I miss you too, beautiful."

Untangling our fingers, I wrap them around the base of his neck, tugging, so our lips brush together. Enzo lets out a satisfied sound, his hand curling around my waist. It's good to have our lips touching, my heart loving it.

Enzo pulls back a while later to catch his breath. "We need to get you home."

There's a tinge of frustration in his voice, pupils dilated, and cheeks flushed.

I try to catch my breath. "It's been months since we..." my voice breaks off and Enzo's eyes grow darker at my mention of our bedroom activities. "I'm a hormonal mess."

He clears his throat. "I know," he shakes his head and then grits his jaw. "Believe me, I know."

I sit on my hands, so they can't reach him. "Take me home, En."

"Home," he smiles, starting the engine.

A warmth spreads through my body. "Yeah, home."


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