Twenty-One. Baby bumps and Old flames

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I stare into the mirror pushing my stomach out as far as it will go before sucking all the breath back in so it goes back to the way it was before. There's a bloat at the bottom of my belly that I'm putting down too much pasta last night, but it'd be nice to think it's the start of the bump.

I raise my vest top higher and move in different directions, catching a glimpse of what looks like a baby bump. It doesn't occur to me that I'm in the shopping mall toilets until two women walk through the doors, stopping to look at me.

My cheeks heat up a treat. "I'm having a baby. My first one," I say, making a pregnant belly gesture with my hand.

They glance at one another. "Bambino?"

"Yes," I say, my smile huge, "a bambino."

They clap their hands. "Tanti auguri alla nuova mamma!"

I'd imagine that they're congratulating me, so I nod my head up and down. "Thanks!"

The bathroom door opens, and mum comes inside carrying all the bags. "Are you ready, Am? The shop you wanted to visit is almost closing."

I nod. "Coming," I turn to my new Italian friends. "See you."

They smile and wave when I open the door for mum to get back out, taking a few bags from her to rest on my crutches as we make our way to the jewellers. There are two silver heart-shaped bangles in the window that I want to buy as a sorry present to mum. I apologised this morning about trying to set her up with Kyle, and she promised me that she wasn't mad, but I need a way to ease my guilt a little.

"It's extra humid today don't you think?" Mum says, keeping at my snail pace.

I blow my fringe out of my face. "Yeah, you're outside for two seconds before you need a shower again. Why don't you stop off and get us some gelato while I look at the jewellery?"

We come to a halt outside the shop, and I hope mum buys into the ice cream. I almost groan in relief when she nods, asking what flavour I want before joining the back of the queue to get inside. I hurry on into the shop, seeing the bracelets I was after in the big case near the cash register.

They shine beautifully under the lights, making me even more eager to buy them. The shop worker asks if I want to look at anything and I point to the jewellery, needing it in my hands immediately. The woman slides a white pair of cloth gloves over her hands, lifting the glass case with extra care. I take the cloth the gives me and drape it over my hand.

I can't get over the weight of the bracelet when she drops it in my hand, the diamonds shining even brighter out here. My mouth waters like a dog near steak, and I almost lift it up to smell. It's stunning, and if I'm honest, it's taking my breath away.

I bring my eyes to the woman, seeing her nod at me in recognition. Go for it, she silently says. "I'll take them both please."

"Great choice," she nods, turning around to pull open a big wooden cupboard, coming back with a small fancy looking box. "For yourself?"

"No," I shake my head, reaching for my credit card. "It's a present for my mother."

I watch, mesmerised as she lays the jewellery on the dark blue cloth, wrapping it around twice before putting the bracelets in the box, where she seals it and ties a pretty blue ribbon around the edges, meeting in the middle in a bow.

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