Eleven. Leeds and late night calls

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My feet burn from my nine-inch heels, and my shoulders are tacky from the accidental alcohol spillages, but I don't care. I'm loving life. It's now two am, and it seems like Gregory and Daisy are looking at heading back to their shared apartment. Enzo will be happy to know no strangers are living with them, so I have nothing to worry about, apart from if the couch is comfy or not.

Daisy pushes a full glass of Malibu and Diet Coke in my direction, telling me she's too stuffed to finish it. I, too am full, but it would seem a shame to waste the six-pound drink. While I down as much as I can of it, Gregory nips to the toilet. The queues are out of the door, and I can see him waiting a good ten minutes before getting the chance to relieve himself.

"Enzo messaged you anymore?" Daisy says, referring to the last three messages he sent me asking a hundred and one questions about my night.

I laugh. "No, he must have fallen to sleep."

Late nights are not his thing.

"You're super lucky to have him, you know? Not many men would be as attentive," she replies, checking her makeup in the tiny mirror in her hand.

Yes, but it's also healthy for partners to spend time away from one another without constant communication.

She carries on. "Good men like Mr Sanchez are hard to find. I'm beginning to lose the will to live in the men department."

I study her and fail to see why that's true. Daisy is incredibly beautiful on the inside and out. Men should be knocking down her door and begging for the chance to take her out.

"Love has a funny way of showing itself. Sit tight. It'll happen for you."

Daisy smiles. "Do you think so?"

"Yes," I give a firm nod. "I'm positive. You have to kiss a few frogs until you find your prince."

"Try a hundred frogs," she grins, and I join in.

I stir the slice of strawberry around in my glass with my straw. "It hasn't been all plain sailing with Enzo, you know. We've had our fair share of pain."

"I'd imagine so with the way you got together. It was never going to be simple," she gives me sympathetic eyes.

"I remember waking up next to him for the first time and feeling this terrible dread spill over me. Even though we were doing nothing wrong, I knew the consequences of our relationship and the doubt it would bring."

I lay there for hours with Enzo snoring gently next to me, planning my escape should it go south. It was weird for a while when Enzo and I got together, with the rumour mill in full swing. People were saying that we dated in secret, others made up that we used to have sex between lessons in his classroom, or that I was sleeping with him for educational benefits. It wasn't pleasant and more than once I believed Enzo would use it as an excuse to dump me.

But, he never did, promising me that we were made to stay.

"The people who made all those rumours up were more than likely jealous of you. And, what leg do they have to stand on now you're married?"

I smile. "You're right. I guess I'm just feeling a little insecure right now."


I'm not so sure myself. "If I knew why I'd tell you."

"Fair enough," she glances over to the other side of the club. "Looks like Greg is ready to go. You coming?"

I nod, collecting my handbag, tucking my phone into my jean pocket. "Sure, are you two getting some food?"

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