Epilogue. Happy ever afters

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One year later...

I snap another picture of Isabella as she power-crawls across the living room floor, chasing Willow who's almost crying with laughter. It's Easter and we're staying at Enzo's parents house for the weekend, Bella loving the family time.

"Bella, chase me," Willow squeals, dashing off and out of the room.

Isabella copies the noise, crawling after her cousin in her grey bunny outfit. It's a onesie with paws on each foot and hand, the hood holding the cutest floppy ears.

It's adorable and I wish I could dress her in it every day.

"Be careful with her, Willow. Remember she's only small," Enzo shouts, ever the protective daddy.

"They're fine," I respond, shooting him a smile from across the room.

It's nice to be able to relax as a family, all of us busy with work and other commitments too often to meet up. Although, that will all change next month when Enzo and I up sticks and move to Nidderdale full time.

Bringing a baby up in Central London is impossible, and I'd be lying if I said that I haven't missed the laid back country life.

Enzo winks, holding his hand out in my direction. "Come and sit up here. It's uncomfortable down there."

I tidy up the last of Isabella's building blocks and do as he says, craving a five-minute rest. Baby keeps us on our toes. Once I sink down into the plush leather sofa my eyes grow heavier.

Enzo plays with my fingers. "So we have news."

The family sit taller in their seats, Janice letting out an excited 'Oo' sound.

Enzo laughs. "You know that we've been looking to buy a house?"

"Yes," Tomás nods his head.

"Well, we've found one. And it's perfect for us."

Janice cheers, clapping her hands. "I told you that you would if you gave it a little time, loves. So, where is it? Outside of London?"

I give Enzo a side glance, not able to stop my smile. "Yeah, it's outside of London."

Willow comes back into the room, holding Isabella by the armpits, placing her on the play mat where she starts to crawl towards Enzo.

Enzo bends forward and collects Isabella in his arms, letting her snuggle down on to his chest, her two fingers going into her mouth to suck on.

"You might know of the house actually, Mum," he says, starting to rock the baby as her eyes close.

Janice looks a little lost. "I do?"

"Yeah, you know the Thompson's down the road?" he smiles when she nods. "We've got their house."

Janice gasps out loud. "What? You're moving here?!"

I laugh. "Yeah, that's the plan."

"How wonderful," she covers her face and starts to sniffle. "It's all I ever wanted. You all close to me."

"Mum," Enzo whispers, standing up. "Please don't cry."

Janice shakes her head. "It's happy tears, darling. I get my precious family together. And my beautiful Bella."

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