Twenty-nine. Awkward conversations and antenatal

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Unedited ❤️

I step into the kitchen, hair drying up in a towel, a fluffy jumper and leggings keeping me warm. It's dress down Friday at work and I couldn't be more excited. Suits are okay, but they don't keep you warm or comfortable. Hence my lazy day attire.

"You feeling fresher after that shower?" Enzo says, his face the picture of peace.

I nod. "Yeah, the power jets were awesome on my tired muscles. I forgot how much I love them."

"Tired muscles, huh?" he smirks, eyebrows dancing in all directions.

And, I'm on fire. "Yes."

"I'm not surprised," he stirs a teaspoon of honey into his green tea. "I forgot how energetic you are in bed."

"Enzo!" I shout, bursting into uncontrollable giggles after it.

He heads my way. "You want to know the best thing about last night?

"Go on then."

"You in our bed. Sleeping in my arms. Bliss, baby."

I woke up several times last night to him whispering his love in my ear, laying gentle kisses at the back of my head and some serious spooning.

"Best nights sleep I've had in forever," I reply, meaning every word.

"I could tell by your snoring," he conveniently moves out the way of the flying tea towel I threw his way.

"Excuse me," I follow after him through to the lounge area. "If anyone was a snoring It's you."

"Oh, yeah?" he grins, hair falling over his face in the most handsome way.

I tip back my head, letting out the loudest and longest snort known to man. "Yeah."

Enzo sits down in the tan leather armchair, flicking through to the page he wants in the new parent manual. I caught him reading some of it last night after he put me to bed and this morning at the crack of dawn.

I sat down with him with my morning decaf coffee, reading over his shoulder, silently heaving at the labour section. It seems to be a recent worry that I can't get out of my head. How am I going to get her out of me without internal or probably external damage?

I'm having nightmares.

"I'm sure you read it all last night," I jest, grabbing my designer trainers from the side of the sofa to put them on ready to leave for work.

Enzo doesn't bother to look at me. "This is my sixth time reading it. I want to be clued up."

"En, I bet you could run the antenatal class we're going to tonight. You'll know it word for word."

"What are we learning about today?"

"I don't know," I admit.

"We'll soon find out. I'm going to make those other dads' look like boys with my mad skills."

I gulp down my coffee before I start to choke. "Mad skills?"

He laughs. "Yeah, there isn't a problem I can't fix."

"We'll see if you still think that when the baby's screaming and you're hungover from no sleep."

"Nice to know you have faith in me, Am," he sticks out his tongue, probably feeling playful and proud of himself for last night.

"I have every faith in you. You'll knock them dead at class."

And, knock them dead did he. I end up closing my mouth as every question Cathy asks is answered with Enzo's raised arm and rushed answers. Not giving anyone else a chance. He reminds me of the kid that always reminded the teacher of a test they originally forgot about.

Baby Boffin!

"Okay, dads', If you'd like to help your partners up from the floor, then that will conclude our lesson for today."

Enzo shoves his hands under my armpits and lifts me up with ease. "I got every question right."

I giggle turning around to pat his cheek. "You did. You were on fire."

The tight shirt ripples over his muscles, giving me the perfect view.

Enzo nods, so sure of himself. "I think the others were getting annoyed with me after a while. I did steal their thunders a few times."

I noticed the narrowed gazes and whispers aimed our way.

"The teacher seemed to be pleased with you. That's all that matters," I reply.

"No one likes a know it all," he responds.


We start to follow the crowd out of the city hall, saying goodbye to the teacher. A few couples congregate near the exit, leaving only a small gap for everyone else. Once we're outside, Enzo presses his car keys, the orange flash of light telling us where he parked.

Unfortunately, we got sidetracked on the way here and had to park and leave in a rush, expecting for the sides to get scratched up from his haphazard parking.

"I have an exciting plan for next week."

The seatbelt catches a few times and then gives in, sliding across my body. "Do tell."

"We need to plan. Cathy said we were covering diet and exercise, and there's a bit in my manual about it. We can read up on it and do our own research to be hot on it."

No. There's no way I'm spending hours revising. It's not an exam for goodness sake.

"You're such a teacher."

It's in his blood.

The engine hums when he starts the ignition, warm air blasting out of the heaters to fight off the spring chill.

Enzo stops dead, visibly shuddering. "God, I am."


I wanted to double update for you, lovelies! ❤️❤️

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