Seventeen. Hospitals and Big surprises

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I'm a professional at making out I'm asleep now I have three days worth of practice. Enzo is at the side of my bed where he has sat the whole time of me being in the hospital, except for when the nurses throw him out. I haven't spoken to anyone, or wanted to do, feeling betrayed by them all.

"Am?" Enzo's voice whispers in my ear. "Mum's here with your favourite muffins from JoJo's."

I ignore him.

"Are you awake, Am?"

I don't say one word, but my eyes are wide open and he knows it. Janet comes to sit by me, opening the brown JoJo's cakes bag with excitement. I take the muffin off her, and sit up so my back can rest on the many pillows.

"I bought you four so you can binge eat a few while you wait to be discharged."

"I'm not hungry."

Enzo reaches out to smooth his fingers down my cheek, but I push them away. "How's your cast?"

"Itchy," I grumble, peeling the cake case away from the muffin, stuffing it in my mouth.

"Poor, darling," Enzo goes to touch me again, but I slap him away. "Am?"

I narrow my eyes. "I don't want you near me. Leave me alone."

"We need to talk," he insists.

I turn away from him and eat my muffin on my side, fighting back the tears. After I was rushed in here by Enzo and the lady I later found out is called Savannah, they assessed me and found out I had a small laceration on the back of my head - head wounds bleed more than they need to apparently - and a break in my tibia bone. I'm going to be in a cast for six weeks, which will be torture as I have to sit around and do nothing.

"Look at all these get well cards," Janet says, walking up to the table to take a look.

I check the clock and the wall and sag in relief when I realise mum should be back from the petrol station to take me home. And by home I mean London. I'm done with the countryside. The city is where I belong.

I screw the cake case up in my hand, and turn back over so Enzo can see my face when I tell him how I feel. "It was a mistake marrying you so soon."

Every part of his face screws up in pain. "Don't say things like that."

"It's the truth," I hiss, "you don't love me, not really. Not like you love her."

Enzo reaches out for my hands, but I slide them under my cheek. "You honestly think I don't love you?"

"I know it. Otherwise, you would never have treated me like you have. I can't believe you."

"I don't love Violet. Please believe me."

"Your word means nothing to me."

"I get why you're mad-"

"No, you don't," I shout, no longer able to keep it inside. "All I've done this trip is please you. And then you repay me by leaving me for your other friends and playing lovers reunited with Violet, who may I add is a big bitch."

Enzo lowers his head.

I speak up. "Do you have any idea how much it broke my heart to see you asking her when she was going to marry you? You want to know why she's keeping her man waiting? Well, I won't stop you. When I'm back in London you can do what you want."

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