Thirty. Green smoothies and surprises

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"Drink up."

I stare at the fruit smoothie Enzo plonked in front of me and feel my stomach roll. After our healthy eating advice from the nurse at the latest antenatal class, Enzo has taken it upon himself to become my personal chef.

"I ate lunch half an hour ago. I don't think I could manage more food."

Enzo bends over my work desk to pull open the draw hiding my addiction. DailyDiets caramel chocolate wafers.
He smirks, "Not too full for your chocolate fix."

I narrow my eyes, struggling to stop the giggles. "Not guilty."

"Sweetheart, I know you. Tell me I'm wrong to think you shoved two wafers in your mouth at once before I got up here."

"They're so good though, En. And only ninety-nine calories."

"The nurse said you need to watch your sugar intake now more than ever," he glances down at the almost eaten packet. "But, they do look good."

I rip back the packet and hand one over. "Try one. The white chocolate raspberry ones are good too. I can see if marketing have any samples left over from the meetings."

Enzo bites into the wafer, brushing the crumbs away from his mouth. "Damn, that's good. You'd think it's Cadbury."

"I know, right?" I shout.

"And only ninety-nine calories?" he replies.

I nod. "Yes."

Enzo's big hand opens, the wrinkles on his palms crinkling when his fingers wriggle. "I'll have another."

I give it to him. "Good, right?"

He chuckles. "I can see why you're obsessed."

I help myself to more, knowing I should stop soon before I defeat the point of the bars being healthy. "They're not out in shops yet. You're quite lucky to be trying them."

Enzo gives me a smile that has me weak at the knees. "I'm honoured. You almost ready to leave? My parents just got checked in at the hotel."

Janice and Tomás are down visiting for a few days and I'm beside myself with excitement. This will be the first time I've seen them face to face in months. We have a lot to catch up on."

I shut my desk drawer and lock it feeling territorial over the treats I keep in there. Enzo helps me into my cardigan, pulling my Ugg boots out of the leather bag near my feet. High heels are a no-go for me now. My ankles swell too much to bear wearing them all day.

"I'm parked outside so you won't have to walk too far," he holds his hand out to me.

I link our fingers and stand up. "I can't wait to catch up with your mum and Dad. They haven't met bump yet."

Enzo presses the button for the lift, squeezing my hand tight. "And they're excited to see you. It's going to be a blast."

We listen to the soothing music as the lift glides down to the bottom floor, Enzo's car outside like promised. I say goodbye to security, finding it weird when I don't see the usual crew.

"I didn't know wether to change clothes or not," I say, climbing into the car and seat belting up.

Enzo starts to indicate, pulling out slowly to miss the busy traffic. "You look beautiful, sweetheart. You always do."

I touch my burning cheeks, not managing to form any words.

The car journey is long, the London traffic always crazy. Once we get to The Dorchester, Enzo parks in the hotel car park, collecting my hand in his as we head for the back entrance.

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