Nine. Twerking and tears

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The inside of The Oak pub flashes with red and blue lights as several eighties hits play on a continuous loop. Almost the entire room is up dancing with drinks in hand, some costumes struggling to stay in place. All in all, it's a blast. Enzo is up near the pool tables with his dad, while Janet and I dance our bottoms off, throwing shapes that should be illegal in public. The shoulder pads keep hitting me in the ears every time I shimmy my arms towards Janet who moves back in time to come forward when I go back too.

"I've not had this much fun in forever," Janet shouts, giving the dance moves her all.

I begin to step to the side, adding a little jump in between the move. "Me neither. I'm thrilled we came along!"

"Every song is a hit," Janet tries a jump and then stumbles to the side. "Oh, these bloody heels will make me break my neck."

I lean into her ear. "Take them off. No one will know."

I can see she's unsure when she says, "Oh, no, I'll be fine."

"Go on," I nudge her side and toe off my Jimmy Choo's, which is the only 21st-century item of clothing on my body. "Mine are off too."

Janet takes my hand when I offer it to her and slides off her shoes, giving me a grateful grin. "We can really get our groove on now."

As Janet said, we get our groove on, even attracting the attention of two younger men who start to dance near us, but we stick together, ignoring them and their tempted gazes. I mean one of them is wearing an old school Adidas tracksuit, and you know my opinion on those. Janet wraps her fingers in mine and spins me around in a circle, singing along to the song playing out to us all.

"Please tell me about your latest leading man," I say, hoping now she's more relaxed she'll release the gossip because up until now she's been a closed book...huh, see what I did there?

"Ambrosia, you cheeky darling. I told you I'm not releasing any information."

I pout. "Pleeeease?"

Janet spins me in a circle and shakes her head. "Nope, I want you to read it without knowing any spoilers this time."

The song dies down, so I get more of a chance to beg for her to give me a little information. The books she writes are my addiction. I can never read only a few chapters a night. It's always in a full sitting, no matter the time. It is known between Enzo and I that I have called in 'sick' to finish a book. I can't get enough.

I show my teeth and give her my best puppy dog eyes. "A name then?"

Janet rolls her eyes in fake annoyance. "Sebàstian. Now be quiet."

What a can of worms she opened here. Is he Spanish? Married? A businessman? A rogue? Gosh, now I need more.

"I can see the questions in your eyes. I knew I shouldn't have said a word," Janet laughs.

I step closer and wiggle my eyebrows. "I'll always be your beta reader."

"I have those already, Ambrosia," she snorts and then pulls me into her side to place a tender kiss on my temple. "Love you, darling."

It feels like cotton is growing in my chest. "I love you too."

There is a loud squeak from the microphone at the DJ booth, and we turn to see the bald headed guy holding his hand up in apology. "I didn't expect for it to make that noise. Sorry folks. This is the Rod Stuart section, so I want you all up on your feet and dancing. It took me several hours to make the playlist."

Janet smirks. "Not that he's bitter about it."

I cover my mouth. "I know."

The start of 'Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?' plays out and I make a beeline for Enzo who is still speaking to his dad near the pool table. I tilt back on my heels and move my legs in exaggerated movements, clicking my fingers to the music. Tomàs sees me before his son and instantly laughs, causing Enzo to glance to the side to see what is happening. I get his deadly smile and know he's into it. I can see the dimples from over here.

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