Thirty-one. Money boxes and newspaper articles

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Enzo puts the last of the baby shower presents in the boot of the car, having to lower the back seats down to create more space. I sit in the front seat, holding the giant pink cupcake in my lap, dipping my finger into the frosting because it's the vanilla kind and I can't help myself.

Janice knocks on the window. "'Bye, Am. We'll see you tomorrow."

I wave. "See you. Thanks for coming."

She smiles, Tomás blowing me a kiss behind her back. "We'll be over first thing to catch you both before work."

Enzo approaches her from the side and brings her into his arms. I don't hear what he says to her, but her gaze travels my way. As soon as our eyes connect, she smiles big, throwing me a cheeky wink.

"What?" I mouth and she replies with an even bigger grin.

They chat a bit longer and then Enzo walks around the bonnet to climb into the driving seat. We sit in silence, Enzo listening to BBC Radio 2, me eating cake. It's nice to chill after a hectic few hours.

We come to a stop at the traffic lights near the Daily Diets building. "You don't need to stop off for any last minute work, do you?" Enzo says, glancing my way.

I shake my head, knowing that I'm all caught up with my tasks today. "Nope. The night is free to open all of the baby shower gifts."

The lights go green, Enzo whizzing towards the turning. "I'm looking forward to that bit too."

"Yeah?" I smile, not able to take my eyes off him, touched by his thoughtfulness of late.

"It makes her more real when you see all of her things, you know?"

I nod, rubbing my belly. "Don't worry, En. She's real, all right."

He laughs. "You tired after this afternoon?"

"Not really. I'm on a high from all the fun," I reach over to stroke his knee.

His warm fingers wrap around my knuckles. "I'm glad you had fun today. I wanted you to let your hair down a little with your friends."

The words are out my mouth before I realise it. "I love you, En."

The car jolts when Enzo breaks suddenly, his breath stuttering when he says, "I love you too. More than you will ever know."

"Good," I smile, peace coming over me. "Get me to our warm home."


The pile of pink wrapping paper surrounds our living room floor and sofas. Enzo is trying to open the box containing a bottle heater, always loving a gadget, while I admire the cute clothes.

There must be ten multipacks of baby grows, socks and cloth mittens. A snow coat, a cute Baby Dior dress for Sunday lunches at the pub and a treasure chest full of baby cleansing products.

And, we're only halfway through it all.

I lift the cashmere baby blanket up to my face and rub it against my cheek. "You need to feel this material. It's so soft."

Enzo glances up, holding his hand out for me to give the blanket over. "Let me see."

I lean over and hand it to him, desperate to open more gifts. "I don't know where we're going to put all of these clothes. The wardrobe's full as it is and a lot of this stuff is bigger than she'll need right away."

"It is?" he puts the blanket down, going back to his gadget.

I nod. "Yeah, everyone had the idea to buy six months upwards."

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