Twenty-five. Brownie crumbs and Skype calls

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I shove the wrappers of the 'chocolate brownie' Daily Diets 99 calorie bars in my desk drawers, trying to get rid of the evidence. It's two pm and I'm ravenous. Sometimes soup just doesn't fill you. Even two cans.

"Where did the samples go?" Zanna, head of marketing says, looking more than a little lost.

I start to type on my keyboard, trying to ignore the pang of guilt and bubble of giggles from surfacing. "I'm not sure."

"But, they were just here," she narrows her hazel eyes on me. "You were the last person to see them."

I wave my hand around, not daring to take my eyes away from the computer screen. "Lisa and Chelsea passed a second ago. Maybe they took them to show everyone."

"I can see brown crumbs on your blouse, Ambrosia," she responds.

I brush them away. "You do?"

Zanna steps closer to my chair. "And wrappers hanging out of the top of your desk drawer."

I glance down and sure enough, the purple packets hang over the edge. No denying it now. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, no," Zanna wiggles her finger in my direction. "No playing the pregnancy card."

I rub my little bump, pulling back my suit jacket. "I'm eating for two."

"Ugh," Zanna rolls her eyes to the ceiling, looking like she'd hit me if I wasn't with child. "It's a good job I like you. No more eating the samples. They need to go to head office for the okay on the packaging. Now, I'll have to go down to the warehouse to get more."

I give her my best smile. "Don't suppose they keep extra for staff down there? Help a girl out?"

"No!" she snaps, pulling me back into my seat at the volume. "You'll get me in trouble. No more helping yourself to stock. Capiche?"

I nod. "Understood."

"Ambrosia!" Katie from the front desk at reception shouts to me, a grin on her face. "You've got a visitor."

I ignore Zanna as she storms off across the office, mumbling about not getting paid enough to deal with us, and I smile at Katie. "Who?"

Katie twirls her hair around her finger. "Your sexy professor husband."

My heart booms in my chest, stops and then booms once more. "Enzo's here?"

"Yes," she sighs dreamily, looking her age. At eighteen, she believes in the fairytale. So do you! "Looks like he brought you a picnic. You coming down?"

I hesitate while I stand up, collecting my phone and purse. "Yeah, give me a second to sign out."

"Okay, then," she spins around and heads off in the opposite direction to me.

Once I log out of my computer, taking a few steadying breaths before making my way towards reception, wiping the earlier crumbs off my blouse. The lift seeming to go on forever, my mind telling me it's time we talked. It's two days after our trip to IKEA where I lost control and kissed him.

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