Three. Cameras and rubber boats

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The water stings my eyes when I open them, the warm salty liquid entering my mouth when I smile at my husband, who is filming me ten inches away underwater. I reach out my hand to his camera, but he lowers his body and floats away from me. The flash almost blinding me when he takes the last photo. We surface, and the blazing sun hits my face, causing my already sensitive eyes to close.

"Stay there for one second more. I need to take a picture of you," Enzo says, and I keep my position.

"My hair will look awful," I say when the click goes off. "It flattens to my head when it gets wet."

Enzo chuckles. "Be quiet. You look perfect."

I take his word for it and keep in position a while longer, hoping he gets a good enough image for my Facebook profile picture. I uploaded our wedding picture the morning before we left for our honeymoon. I searched through all the images until my heart set on a farming themed photo. Imagine this...I'm sat up on a large round hay bale while Enzo stands beside me, our eyes connected in a romantic way. It's perfect!

"Do you want me to take one of you?" I say when Enzo announces that he took the picture.

Enzo runs his fingers through his wet curly dark brown hair with a curious expression. "Will you take a picture of me in the water? I want to send some pictures to my dad, and I think if you can get a picture of me underwater as well, it will make it a lot of fun."

I'm no good with electrical items, having broken several phones, laptops and hair straighteners. I'm a disaster waiting to happen. "Sure, honey. As long as you go over how to use it with me once or twice."

I told you it's those eyes. They are so delicious. I can never say no.

Enzo nods coming over to show me what to do, explaining that I mustn't let the strap come loose from my wrist because then the camera will be lost in the dark undergrounds of Tate Lake.

"'O ye have little faith, husband of mine," I respond, dunking my head under the water a few times.

Enzo does a gymnastic type back flip and then lowers his body underneath the water. I take it as my queue to join him, closing my eyes until I feel safe enough to open them without the fear of them stinging.

Enzo sticks up his thumb in a go-ahead signal, and I take the first photograph, trying to focus on the small frame to see if the image is any good. All the while trying not to panic that I can't breathe. I give up on trying to focus my eyes and take another picture, this time seeing Enzo leaning back in a pose similar to the robot.

I giggle and instantly regret it when a cup size amount of water enters my lungs. I lift my head out of the water and splutter, not able to take in a deep breath for the liquid in my airways. Enzo swims up to me, moving so he can give me three hard pats on the back, hurting my chest even more.

"I swallowed the whole lake," I choke, gaining the attention of Samantha and Brian who are playing with Monty in the far corner.

Enzo takes hold of my head, tipping it forward he tells me to cough as hard as I can to try and expel the water. "Keep coughing until you feel water in your mouth."

I cough once more, and then the water enters my mouth, relieving the discomfort in my chest. "I can taste the salt."

Enzo begins to rub up and down my back. "You are an accident waiting to happen."

I can't disagree with the man. My knees are always bruised from falling over, and the ends of my fingers have permanent plasters on them from the cutting knife slicing into my skin.

I wipe my hands down my face. "I'm a liability. It's a good thing we took out life insurance."

"Ambrosia!" he shouts, eyes wide as saucers. "My camera's gone from your arm."

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