Twenty-seven. Easter eggs and sneak peeks.

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Enzo meets me outside the therapists office, back pressing on to the wall beside the door. I try to wipe away the last of my tears, feeling utterly drained.

"I won't ask you for details," he opens his arms and pulls me into them. "But, I'll hold you. Come here."

Every nerve in my body relaxes the moment our bodies press together. "I could do with a good hug right now," I say, giving off a gentle laugh.

"My wife once told me my hugs were the best," he replies.

I smile, giggling like a kid into his neck. "Oh, she did?"

"Yeah," he snorts, stopping dead a second later with his hand on my belly. "Looks like baby agrees with daddy."

Isabella kicks at his hand like she always does when she hears his voice.

"Oh," I frown, still laughing. "I think she really does agree. She's kicking up a storm in there."

The dreamy look is back in his eyes. The one he always gets when we talk about our daughter. "I bet it's getting cramped in there, huh?"

I tilt my eyes down, seeing only the rounded bump. My feet no longer visible. "She's got a fair bit more growing to do yet. I'm dreading it."

"You uncomfortable again?" he says, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't like to keep moaning about being pregnant," I respond, knowing it's all I've done for a solid week. "But, I'm getting sick of it. I just want her here, you know?"

"I do," he squeezes his fingers into my skin.

The smell of cooking meat and onions grabs my attention, my neck moving to source out the scent. My stomach rumbles when I notice the burger van. "I would kill for a burger right now."

Enzo chuckles, starting to walk along the pathway. "I thought you were never eating beef again."

"I changed my mind."

"Okay then. You want a double?"

I scurry to catch him up, almost starting to waddle. Mum said it would happen but I refused to believe her. Not me. No. Way.

"Yes, with that plastic type cheese?" I respond, seeing the small queue up ahead.

"Yeah," Enzo replies.

While we wait for the other people to get served, I admire the Easter decorations in the shop window across from where we're standing. There's painted pot eggs scattered around a fake green grass patch with teddy bunny rabbits in amongst them.

Looking at the festive cheer is making me excited for next year and celebrating all of Isabella's first holidays.

I can so see me dressing her up in a rabbit costume.

Enzo puts his hand on the base of my back and I glance up to see him watching the window too. "I got you an Easter present. Do you want it now or later?"

I frown. "Easter isn't for another few weeks. Don't you want to wait?"

"Nope," he smirks, reaching to swivel the satchel across his body around to open up the flap. "I'm too excited not to give you it sooner."

He knew my weakness, I try to get a look inside. "Now I'm curious."

What could be hiding in there? It's got to be small...jewellery perhaps?

Enzo tugs out a wad of A4 paper, the paper clip secured on the edge almost popping off. "You are going to die at this. I swear it."

I laugh, reaching to take them from him. "I'm more confused at seeing it. Explain to me."

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