Fifteen. Pillow talk and Migraines

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I creep into the bedroom channeling my inner Pink Panther, shutting the door behind me with a quiet thud. Enzo is asleep on the bed as far as I can see in the dark and I'm praying I didn't leave any shoes laying about on the floor to trip over. I strip out of my clothes and put them on the dressing table, finding my nightshirt where I left it this morning on the dressing table chair.

I take off my bra to get more comfortable in bed and slide the night shirt over my head. It doesn't take me long to find my way to the ensuite where I quickly do my nightly routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth. The light from the bathroom shines over the bed and I see Enzo is awake and watching me.

I switch off the light and head towards the bed, pulling back the covers to slide inside. "Hey."

Enzo moves closer and wraps his limbs around my body. "Hello, sweetheart. You have a good time?"

I wriggle out of his embrace to put some distance between us. "Yeah, it was okay."

Enzo turns over to switch on the bedside lamp and sits up, moving his body to face me. "Tell me what you got up to then."

I pull the duvet up to my chin and watch the excitement set into his features. "We played around with flowers. You know, the usual."

Enzo covers his mouth when a yawn catches him out. "I missed you tonight."

I smile. "You did?"

"You bet," he replies rolling on to his back to cover his forehead with his forearm. "I had to sit through five re-runs of Gardeners Den with dad. It blew my mind."

I laugh in a soft tone, conscious of others sleeping in the house. "I watch that all the time when you're away with your animal rights friends."

"Poor you," he reaches out to poke my cheek.

I swat him away.

"How's Violet doing?" he says, moving his body my way once again.

I frown. "You should know. You spend more time with her than you do me."

"Don't be silly," he laughs uncomfortably.

"It's true. You do."

"Are you looking for an argument?" he responds, sounding thrown by my sudden attitude.

You know what? Maybe I am. I'm hurting because of him and his silly ex-fiancé.

"You tell me, Enzo. I'm not the one keeping secrets. Are you purposely trying to hurt my trust in you?" that wasn't meant to come out that way.

"Excuse me?" he barks, sitting up so his back rests on the wooden headboard.

"Violet told me about your stupid little animal protest next week. Did that skip your mind when we were talking about your birthday last night? Or did you not think it was necessary to let me know your plans?"

"It's for a few days. What's the big deal? I didn't want to tell you because I didn't think you'd care."

"It's your birthday. Of course I care."

Enzo runs an agitated hand through his hair. "I'm going to be thirty-three years old. I stopped caring about birthdays a long time ago."

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