Nineteen. Cruise ships and Pompeii

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"How about another mocktail?"

I lift up the brim of my straw sun hat and beam in mum's direction, handing over the empty glass that held a ginger orange concoction. Perfect for my morning/afternoon/anytime after seven pm sickness. Mum tugs down her fancy coloured sarong and heads over to the bar near the pool, leaving me to read another chapter of Tracy Bloom's latest novel.

It's four days into our trip, and I love it. It's escaping reality when you have the glorious sunshine beaming down on you as you rest on a cushioned lounge chair with a good book and the sound of happy families echoing in your ears. There's also no signal, so I don't have to worry about the relentless messages Enzo is bombarding me with as I look forward to the pizza making class mum and I have signed ourselves up for this evening before dinner.

I look forward to dinner the most as it's an excuse to get dressed up in your best clothes and do your makeup, knowing an amazing meal is coming your way. We ported up in Naples yesterday, and after a morning in the spa, mum and I ventured into the city where we went to look around the stunning opera house and a few museums before stopping off at a small pizzeria tucked away on the back streets, promising each other that we would visit Pompeii tomorrow.

Mum's a dab hand with the wheelchair now, zooming past people like a woman on a mission, steaming up the sloped pathways like I weigh five stone. I can hop along on my crutches when I can manage it, but it's nice to have the safety net of the chair. And, the only complaint I have is how itchy my cast becomes at night when it grows humid in the bedroom because of our air conditioning not always working.

"It's a mock Mojito this time. Extra ice and mint," says mum, appearing with the tall glass.

I take it and sip from the edge, tasting a strong hit of mint and lime. "Oh, that's refreshing. It's so tasty you don't miss the alcohol," I almost choke on my words when I spot mum sitting down with a massive jug of a red coloured cocktail, strawberries mixed in with the liquid. "Oh, my goodness. Yes, mum, you are on it today!"

"It's my holidays, and I'm making the most of it," she giggles sucking on the huge straw.

I hold my glass up. "Cheers to that. We can do what we want when we're away from home."

"Exactly, love. We can eat and drink our hearts out tonight and then sleep for hours on the king sized bed they gave us. It feels like old times when we used to go on holiday and share a room."

I can't help but reminisce when I wake up in the morning next to my mum with soaking bed sheets and pyjamas because of the heat and the girly chat we have when we make some tea or in our case - lemonade from the tuck shop - and put the world to rights. It's soul cleansing for me.

"As long as you promise not to get too drunk and fall over the edge. We'd both end up drowning if I dived in after you," I say.

Mum titters. "I'll try my best. There's a bingo night on Friday. You fancy it?"

What happens on a cruise ship, stays on a cruise ship. "Why not. We could win big."

I doubt it," mum shakes her head, slurping away at her drink. "But, it's the taking part that counts. I heard you can get some fab prizes out of it."

"I'm already excited," I smile, sipping slowly on my drink as my tummy swishes and swoops around. "I'm feeling extra sick today."

I'm not sure if it the combination of the heat and ship that's making me less able to stop the sickness, or if I have an alien growing inside my belly. Can you imagine? I'd pay thousands to see the look on Enzo's face if that were the case. I bet he wouldn't be impressed.

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