5- Let's Play A Game

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Johnny really did know how to cater to his customers.

The waiter he sent was probably around 22, but his large frame and even larger muscles made up for his age. Wearing a dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and a bow tie, he looked through moss-green eyes and the darkest lashes I'd ever seen on a man. His skin, perhaps one or two shades darker than my best friend's, made him look even more exotic than Lia- and that was saying something.

"Good evening, ladies. My name is Christo and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get for you?" he spoke in a deep, baritone voice. After taking a glance at Lia, I could already see the wheels in her head turning. She was going to give this guy hell and he wouldn't be complaining. He started pouring us some champagne, something that was fully stocked in each VIP section.

"Good evening, Christo. We'll have two double whiskeys. Mine on the rocks. We'll trust your judgement on the year." I said, hoping to give this guy some time before Lia thought up something good that would either give him a hard on or make him uncomfortable.

"And yours, Miss?"

"Strong, no chase. The same way I like my men." she winked. I had to fight to keep my laugh at that one.

Christo's eyes seemed to light up a bit, but other than that he didn't indicate any surprise toward Lia's statement. He simply nodded and moved to get our order.

"Oh, and I'm the thirsty one? You practically ate him with your eyes." I joked, leaning back in my seat.

"Did you see his eyes? And those muscles? Not to mention that he has longer hair- I'd always wondered what it would be like to pull a man's hair during sex." she mused.

"We're both going to hell. Though you're probably going to Christo's first." I joked, sipping on the champagne.

"And you're probably going to the handsome god's that's on his way here first." she kept eye contact, silently telling me not to look around.

"Well then, let's have some fun, shall we?" I said, smiling while we clinked our glasses together, quickly finishing the last of the bubbly drinks.

"May I pour you ladies another?" the sexiest voice I'd ever heard came from behind me, his accent causing goosebumps to cover my flesh.

"That would be lovely, thank you...?" I trailed off, making eye contact with the same gorgeous eyes as a few moments ago.

"Nikolai Volkov, and you are?" Shit, even his name was sexy as sin. Why was sinning the theme of the night again?

"Alayla Stavros. This is my friend, Aliah Barr."

"Pleased to meet you both" he said, kissing Lia's hand, then mine. I could be imagining it, but his lips lingered a bit longer on my skin than  Lia's. "Are you going to be drinking champagne all night, or can I get you two a real drink? Maybe some cocktails?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Real drinks, eh? Lucky for me, Christo had just arrived with the whiskey.

"No, but thank you. I prefer Scottish liquor, as you can see. The Russian liquid they put in cocktails isn't really up to par, is it?" I said, wrinkling my nose slightly. I actually loved a good vodka now and then, but his cocky attitude wouldn't help me in admitting it.

"You obviously have never tasted the good stuff. If I could give you a taste of the real Russian product, I think that you will find it very satisfactory." he said, offering a panty dropping smirk. Raising my whiskey glass to him, I simply smiled slightly. I got up then, standing closer to him than I should.

"You see, Nikolai, that's the thing. I've had the best Russian drinks, but they have no effect on me. I prefer something that lights up my entire body, mind and soul while drinking it. I want to feel it burn all the way down, up, and then down again. Do you possibly think that you could give me something like that?" I whispered into his ear in a low, sultry voice. Moving back, I looked him up and down before smirking at the impressive erection he was now sporting. Maybe he could, though. I thought to myself.

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