6- Conquering a Conqueror

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"You dropped something" Johnny started.

I'm not completely sure how it came that he and Christo joined our party for so long and got off work, but here they were. Christo only left when he got some more alcohol, but the rest of the night he was basically stuck to Lia's side, save for the times she slid onto his lap.

"My Jaw?" I asked, smirking.

"Damn it." he cursed, taking a shot. We made turns coming up with absurd pick up lines, but if someone recognized the one you were using you had to take a shot. If not, the other person took one.

"Nikolai, that suit is very becoming on you." I said innocently.

"Thank you." he said after a while, obviously not seeing where I was going.

"Then again, if I were on you, I'd be coming too." I finished with a wink, causing his eyes to turn dark and his lips to tilt upward. Since he didn't get it, it was my turn again. Lia and I were probably the ones that had taken the least shots, with Nikolai coming close (no pun intended).

"Want to give me an Australian kiss?" I asked again, with Lia basically cracking up on the other side of me.

"And what would that entail?"

"It's like a French kiss, but down under". Johnny chocked on his drink while everybody else started laughing.

"Jesus Christ." Niko muttered before signaling for me to continue.

"Do you realize that we never stop tasting our own tongues?"

"Could I taste yours for a change?" he replied, smirking.

"Maybe later." I teased while laughing, "Your turn."

"How many bones does your body have, Alayla?"

"206. Why?" I hadn't heard this one. Nikolai and I had been using the dirtier pick ups so far, so I knew it had something to do with his dick. Wait!

"Can I put one more in you?"

"Damn it! I realized just before you said it. Again." I said, taking my shot.

"Do you know what my ideal body weight is?"

"Mine on yours?" I replied, passing him a shot and a wink.

"Exactly." he winked back.

We continued like that till the second bottle of tequila was drained. Johnny had to get home to his family and Lia disappeared with Christo, letting me know that she'd see me tomorrow. Nikolai and I were nursing some whiskey, leaning back against our seats.

"Did your ex hurt you?" he asked softly.

"Once, and then tonight." I replied, looking at the now prominent, finger-shaped bruise on my arm.

"That was what happened this morning?"

"Yes, but I've already handled it. I probably should've waited a while to go out, to make sure he'd calmed down." I confessed.

"You did nothing wrong. If you want to go out, you should be able to go out. Have fun with whoever you wish. He should not have any influence in what you do." he said very seriously.

"And a short time from now, he won't. This is very new. We'd been together for a long time, and for that time he has influenced everything I did in my personal life. I need to get used to the idea of doing what I want, when I want. You're a smart man, I'm sure that you can understand that." I finished, tipping back the last of my drink. He seemed to think over my words, taking in what they really meant.

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