27-Fucking Mafia

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My heart immediately started pounding so hard it felt like it would beat through my chest at any given moment.

"How?" I asked, feeling the blood drain from my face. "How did you find him so quickly?"

"I called one of my contacts last night while you introduced Lia around. One of the smartest fuckers I've ever met with Grade-A hacking skills." he explained, looking proud of himself.

"And? Where is he?"

"Hiding out in Kazan, Russia. I have to tell you Al, it's not looking good. He's in with some serious people who could cause a lot of shit."

"What the fuck do you mean it's not looking good?" I demanded, banging my hand on the table. Taking a deep breath, I started again. "Stop pussyfooting Splinter, just tell me what your contact said. Don't leave anything out."

"Well, basically the fucker's been grouping with the Russian Mafia, the Petrovs. I don't know how he got that type of protection, he must have something huge to hold over their heads or a shitload of money to afford them. They're dangerous, more dangerous than I'd like to admit." Taking a deep breath, he held my gaze firmly. "The family Nate's with have a lot of enemies, but the biggest one is another family they've been feuding with for years. Apparently the whole fucking country knows it, and when things get bloody a lot of people die. They don't play around- the highest body count recorded was over 300 people. That's not including bodies that were removed."

"So who is this other family? Maybe, with the right incentive, Niko can use some of his contacts so we can get them on our side. It probably won't be easy, but it's worth a shot." I mused, trying to take all of the new information in. I had absolutely no idea how Nate could get someone so powerful on his side, he definitely didn't have the funds to pay them for protection. And why the Russian Mafia? Why not look for someone local?

Splinter's humorless laugh brought me out of my thoughts, causing me to cock my head to the side and look at him questioningly.

"You definitely wouldn't have to ask him to use his contacts to contact them, Al. And I'd bet my left nut that they're already on your side." he replied, passing me a folder.

My blood turned to ice after taking out the first page. There was a photo taken from a distance, but I could clearly make out Victor's features. The bottom half of the page held all of his information, ranging from his date of birth to his current location. Unknown. They didn't know where he was. One by one, I took in Nikolai, Ana and Sergei's photo's along with their information. I nearly went into cardiac arrest when Niko's current location wasn't unknown like the rest- it clearly stated in what town he was in, along with a small picture of the two of us. It was taken from a distance, but I knew exactly when it was taken. We were standing in the driveway, getting ready to go to my appointment at the doctor. The day Nate drove into me. My name, birthday, address and the boutique's details were also at the back.

I felt like I was going to pass out. My ears were ringing and the world was spinning around me, but I knew I had to be strong right now. Closing my eyes tightly while gripping the paper in my hands, I focused on Splinter's worried voice.

"Alayla? Are you okay?"

"Did you read these before you gave them to me?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"No, my guy gave me the names. Didn't have to. What's going on?" he replied, voice hinting that he knew something wasn't right. It was tight and apprehensive.

Opening my eyes, I gave him Niko's information. When he saw the picture of Niko and I his jaw clenched, fingers gripping the paper so tightly that I thought he would tear it. Lia and Jed watched us with wide eyes, not having any idea what was happening.

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