23- Lifting Things

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I came across this song again after not hearing it for YEARS. Still love it though.

Hope you enjoy!


"Just try to understand!"

"No Nikolai, I will not try to understand because I have no fucking desire to do so! You're trying to excuse Nathan being alive, trying to list reasons why it isn't your fault when, in reality, it is! He almost killed me, killed my baby and came back to finish the damn job. I don't want to fucking fight about this anymore! I told you that I wasn't angry, but you can't seem to drop the fucking subject." I shouted.

This has been going on for the past couple of hours. Niko trying to convince me that this wasn't his fault, me telling him that it was but I didn't care. I wasn't going to hold this over his head, but I was going to fix his mistakes. He didn't take kindly to that, his ego and pride bruised, not wanting to accept the blame for this.

"You told me to drop the subject the night after we went to the warehouse, and look where that got me! I said that I was sorry multiple times, but this isn't my fault. How was I supposed to know that he'd survive his injuries? Or that someone would help him?" Throwing his hands in the air, he was the perfect picture of exasperation. "And he didn't kill your child, Alayla, he killed our child." he growled lowly.

"Nikolai, listen to me and listen well. I'm not going to utter one word about it after I've finished speaking. I'm not saying that you knew what was going to happen, but you were careless. You didn't think about any possible consequences, and that was where you went wrong. Your first mistake was being careless, the second was not telling me soon enough. I'm not angry because you made a mistake, I just wish you would have told me and I could have prepared myself. I'm not trying to get back at you by going away, I'm going to get help from the only people I think can possibly provide us with the means to kill Nathan and whoever is helping him. You haven't been able to find him, but they might. I'm also not implying that you aren't capable  of finding them. We just need some help this time. Now swallow your fucking pride and stop shouting at me about not understanding, because I understand plenty."

He stared at my for a few moments while I caught my breath, chest rising and falling with each deep breath I took. In mere seconds, he crossed the room and crushed his lips to mine, pulling my body impossibly close.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're right. Forgive me." he mumbled between kisses, his forehead against mine when we were both gasping for breath. I took a moment before looking him in the eye, seeing the regret and apology in them. No more hostility or accusation. I felt a tear slip before pulling his mouth to mine again.

The kiss was slow and sweet, forgiveness without words. We both said things we wouldn't have normally and we knew the other regretted it without asking. It got heated pretty quickly, and my legs were wrapped around Niko's waist before I knew it. He pushed me against the wall, leaving butterfly kisses from my neck to my shoulder and back again.

"Don't yell at me again." I murmured between gasps.

"Do yell at me again. It's sexy to see you getting worked up and standing your ground." he replied between nips and kisses, causing me to chuckle before grabbing his face and bringing his lips back to mine.

"I love you Niko, no matter what happens. No matter how many mistakes we make. I'm yours forever, no matter how many times I want to punch you." I said, nipping lightly at his jaw.

"I deserved that." was all he said before moving his hand to stroke my core, causing me to gasp and bite back a moan. There were still other people in the house, so we couldn't be as loud as we usually were. They already knew Niko's name- didn't need to remind them (repeatedly) what it was.

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