14-A Different Game

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Five weeks.

It's been five weeks since I'd been released from the hospital, and he still hasn't been found. My stitches were out and I was able to move on my own most of the time without any pain, and all I wanted was a go at him.

Nikolai was currently on the phone, barking orders at someone from the hallway. He was extremely pissed when he realized that three weeks had gone by without 'his people' locating the bastard, and what an absolute nightmare for them the last two. He'd been very preoccupied with taking care of me, making sure that I was okay and getting me everything that I needed. I got everything I wanted, except that. My hormones were going crazy, but Nikolai decided that I wasn't ready yet.

I was going to change his mind tonight, though...

Hearing him step back into the room, I turned to look at him. His hair was all out of place from his hands running through it, his neck a fading red from yelling at whoever was on the other line. Moving towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him softly. It took a few seconds for him to put his arms around me, but when it did, I felt the tension slowly leave his body. He hugged me closer, making sure not to put too much pressure on my left side which was still sensitive when too much weight was put on it, resting his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't think he'd be this hard to track down."

"He's a sneaky one, but he'll grow tired of it soon. He's not smart enough to know that we won't let this go. He'll make mistakes and he'll make them soon. You don't need to apologize, I know that you're doing everything you can." I assured, kissing him again.

Pulling away, he raised an eyebrow at me in silent question.

"I'm allowed to be a doting fiancee, Niko. Stop giving me that look whenever I feel like kissing or making out with you." I chuckled.

"The look is more for my benefit, goddess. I don't think that I'll be able to keep my pants on if we kiss or make out, as you put it, for too long. I might want you healed, but I am still a man. A man who hates cold showers." he added the last part under his breath, making me laugh.

"Had one to many, baby? You know that I've been good to go since my results came back three days ago. The doctor said it was fine, which should give you no reason to take any more cold showers."

"I still want to make sure that you are more than okay. I don't want to hurt you by accident, so waiting an extra week and taking a few extra showers will be worth it." he said, sitting on the bed and placing me on his lap.

"You're crazy, you know that? I'm telling you that I feel more than okay, and extremely horny to top that. I've had to watch your naked ass walk into that bathroom knowing very well that I could be in that shower with you, and that it could be a very heated shower, not a cold one. I'm feeling like I could explode with sexual frustration and you don't give a rat's ass! I am so sexually frustrated that sometimes I don't even listen to what you say, I just watch your lips move and wish that they were on me. It's starting to interfere with my fucking sleep, Niko!" I ranted, throwing my hands in the air for extra emphasis. Straddling him before he could speak, I continued. "I love that you want to make sure that I'm physically and emotionally ready, really I do. I love that you take me into account of nearly every decision you make, but I'm going mad! Are you not as attracted to me as you were a few months ago at the club? Am I boring you with all my drama? If so, please let me know so that I can get someone else to tend to my needs or do it my fucking self, because I'm tired of begging you to do me!" I vented. I was aware that I sounded like a crazy bitch, but I felt like I was really becoming one.

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