24-Back Straight, Shoulders Back

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Road trips were always fun.

Sure, I wasn't particularly enjoying the fact that I needed to take one with Lia to find my psycho ex who tried to kill me, or the fact that Niko couldn't come along, or that I would be celibate for much longer than I wanted to... But Lia was with me and we could make one hell of a memory even if the circumstances were shitty.

"Don't wanna hear about it, every single one's got a story to tell.

Everyone knows about it, from the Queen of England to the hounds of hell." I sang, one hand on the wheel and the other hanging out of the window.

"And if I catch it coming back my way I'm gonna serve it to you.

And that ain't what you want to hear but that's what I'll do." Lia sang back, feet resting on the dash.

We'd been on the road for more than two and a half hours, singing and laughing all the way. I knew we were going to have to cut it out pretty soon, I needed to explain what was going to go down once we got there. Splinter was a relatively great guy, but some of the men in the club were questionable at best. The club president owed me a favour though, so I was sure we wouldn't have any problems if we stood up for ourselves. Turning the volume down considerably, I let out a sigh.

"All right babe, how much do you know about the MC hierarchy?" I asked.

"The basics. President, VP, SA, Road Captain, Enforcer and then the other members. Right?"

"Close enough. Splinter's the VP. He may look all brawn, but there's more brain than he knows what to do with. He never misses anything, so though it may feel like he's inspecting you for much longer than he needs to, just let it be. He can't help it. The president, Rex, looks laid back but he'll be watching you even closer than Splinter. They don't mind innocent mistakes as long as you only make a few- bikers can be worse than fucking trophy wives with snide comments and shit, so mind that." I explained, swallowing a laugh at a memory of a couple of members gossiping and gasping about some old member's scandalous kids.

"And you'll have to be careful too, even though they know you?" she asked with a frown.

"If there's one single thing they have no doubts about, it's that the person you met yesterday isn't the same one you'll meet in a month. I haven't seen these guys in years, so to them I could be a completely different person. Which isn't far off, truth be told." I sighed.

"Good point. So, be a good little girl and shut my mouth?" She asked in an overly sweet voice, making me snort.

"God no, you'll be eaten alive. Just don't punch anyone on the first day and you'll be fine." I grinned, laughing along with her.

"So is Rex the president's real name?"

"Nope. I'm not sure if they call him that because he's like a vicious dog or because he has the demeanor of a T-Rex, but the guy's as far from sunshine and rainbows as you can get. Fair and respectful towards women though, beats the shit out of anyone who isn't. I saw a member hit his old lady in front of Rex once and the guy ended up having his meals through a straw for at least three weeks." I explained, shuddering at the memory of his jaw breaking loud enough for the whole club to hear.

"Well at least that's reassuring."

"You've still got the guns Jax gave you, right? Remember, one out of sight but the other where they can barely see it. Don't point it at anyone unless you plan on shooting them- which you shouldn't, by the way."

"For fuck's sake Allie, you'd think I was a damn teenager who's never handled a gun or a biker before!" she laughed. "And yes, I know screwing one and walking into a whole club of them isn't the same, but I'll be fine. What's got you so stressed out?"

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