28- Done

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Jax, Maya and Kai arrived just before the sun set.

Needless to say, Jax was livid. Maya was trying to calm him down, but failing miserably. Her referring to Nikolai as an 'idiotic piece of Russian shit' who 'knowingly put their baby sister in the middle of a fucking mob war' wasn't helping much, but at least she was trying. I didn't even bother, knowing that he was past the point of talking. I'd let him vent, then work out a game plan, hopefully before the Volkovs got here. Splinter was smart enough to have a couple of guys outside to look out for their arrival, knowing I wanted to get to Niko before anyone else.

"You have a plan for when he gets here?" Lia asked softly, so only I could hear.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to cuss him out or punch him first- I'll be sure to let you know."

"You know you actually have to talk about everything too, right?" she asked again, lifting a brow.

"I know, and I will. As soon as I've cussed him out and beat him up." I replied with a sly smile. I knew it was extremely weird to talk about my fiance in that way, but I was fed up with his lies. I didn't even know if I wanted to marry him anymore- but the thought of not being with him caused my heart to ache. I still loved him, but my love wasn't blind. I could move past him not telling me that Nate was alive, but I wasn't sure about the part where his family was part of the Russian Mob.

He didn't love me enough to tell me about the dangers his family 'business' would bring, which put me at a bigger risk. If I'd known I would have been more careful, more alert. I could have stopped the damn Jeep and jumped out before Nate made contact, or decided to ride with him beforehand. I still can't believe that I was stupid enough to think he only had one business- an honest business. Maybe a few shady contacts, but nothing more. I felt like an idiot- a deceived idiot. I told Lia all of this before Jax arrived and her heart ached for me. She was just as devastated when I lost the baby, I was her sister from another mister. She was also planning on having some 'one-on-one' time with Niko as soon as soon as we talked about everything, which I was more than happy to agree to.

"Oh Allie-cat!" Splinter sang in an unusually cheery voice, rounding a corner before making his way to us with a sadistic grin on his face.

"Oh fuck, what now?" I groaned. I could count the number of times I'd seen on one hand, and nothing good ever came of it.

"I believe it's time to meet your in-laws. They just stopped outside." he smirked. I knew immediately what he was thinking.

"No, Steven, no." I warned, making him pout. Yep- big, bad biker my ass. He was a fucking 6-foot teddy bear.

Huffing, I jumped from the counter I was sitting on to move outside. The biker's that were stationed outside were postured threateningly, blocking the entrance of the club house. Lia, Splinter and Joey were walking behind me. I saw Tony standing more to the front, closer to where Niko and his family would be passing at any moment.

"You sure about this, Allie? You don't need to talk to him if you don't want to. Hell, you don't even have to see him if you don't want to." Tony asked gently, his eyes softening as they met my own. He was beside himself when I started sobbing after explaining everything to Jax, threatening to execute Niko in the most painful ways known to man and then some.

"I'm okay Tony, I have to do this. We're still engaged you know." I assured, placing my hand lightly on his arm.

"That could change, though." he muttered barely above a whisper, not thinking I would hear. My heart broke for him- he was another teddy-bear, just slightly broken. I wanted to help him, but I'd wait.

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