22-Hell Hath No Fury

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The drive home was completely silent.

Neither of the women asked my why I ripped Ana's keys from her hands or drove like a bat out of hell, but I preferred it. After a few minutes, the shock and fear wore off, anger quickly replacing it. Nate was supposed to be dead, Niko promised me that he would kill him after I tortured him. The fucker shouldn't have taken another breath outside of the warehouse.

Tires screeched as I stopped in the driveway, barely getting the key out of the ignition before I barged inside the house. Niko and the other men were surprised, not expecting us for a few more hours. I didn't even look at all of the flowers that were  occupying most of the living room and kitchen, I was heading straight for Niko. He looked confused, then worried after he saw the raging look I was probably sporting. As soon as I got close enough, I pulled my fist back and hit him with enough force to put him flat on his ass.

"He was supposed to be dead." I said in a deathly voice, one that would sound relatively calm to anyone that didn't know me. Nikolai knew better. So did Lia, who was watching me carefully next to a shocked Ana.

He looked at up at me, confusion clouding his face again before realization dawned upon him. He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand to stop him.

"You swore to me that you would kill him after I was done with him in that warehouse, told me he would never be a problem again. I believed you- trusted you. What happens? He shows up weeks later, promising me that he'll see me soon with the 'special' people that helped him. Why. Is. He. Not. Dead?!" I rose my voice at the end, causing it to crack slightly. I probably sounded like a mad woman to his family, but I knew that they weren't angels. Nikolai learned most of what he knew from his father.

"Sweetheart, calm down. I'll explain." he said, slowly rising to his feet while rubbing his jaw.

"You better have a damn good explanation Nikolai, because I can't really think of anything you could say that would excuse him breathing." I bristled.

"Let's go sit down in the office, then I'll tell you everything."

"Nikolai Volkov, stop pussyfooting and tell me what the fuck happened." I was starting to get annoyed. Sighing, he relented, standing right in front of me.

"I never planned on killing him outright. I was going to let you beat him up, beat him up a bit more if the wounds were not extensive enough and drop him off in the middle of nowhere to let him suffer. That day after you left he was beaten up enough, so I picked a location a few hours away and let the other men drop him off. I was going to tell you that night, but you asked not to talk about it and I didn't know how to bring it up."

He was telling the truth to an extent, but I could tell that there was something he wasn't admitting.

"What else?" I asked in a clipped voice, shaking.

"I got a call a few days ago, I'm still trying to find out who exactly, telling me that you weren't safe yet and that I shouldn't let my guard down so easily. That they knew about Lia and Jax, as well as Maya, Kai and Alexei. That I should keep a close eye on our family because 'you never know what could happen'." he reluctantly admitted, clenching his jaw.

"They threatened my family, and you didn't think to tell me?" I forced out through gritted teeth, taking a full step away from him. My anger spiked and all I wanted to do was clock him again.

"I told you, I'm working on finding out who it is. Telling you would only make you paranoid. I did what I think was best."

"Did you also think about how I would feel if anything happened to them? To Kai? No, you were scared to tell me because I would have called you out on the mistakes you made. You should have killed Nathan, or had eyes on him till you knew he was dead. You should have told me the moment you got that call, so that I could have told Jax to keep his family safe. To get Lia somewhere she wouldn't be alone in a fucking house! You should have told me, so that I could have been prepared to kill Nate the moment I saw him. Now we have no fucking idea where he is or what the people he's with can do!"

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